The “Heart” of Humble Hearts, Part 1 – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

The “Heart” of Humble Hearts, Part 1


by V. Mullen

A Dua and a Dream

Aysha Samrah Abrar, director and founder of Humble Hearts, started with dua and a dream: “to save our earth and our ummah simultaneously and to introduce an innovative da’wah project to both Muslims and non-Muslims.”

Born into a Muslim family, sister Aysha describes how she came to embrace Islam three years ago:

“My personal experiences made me realize the importance of pleasing Allah, loving Allah, and trusting Allah in all our affairs. Through my trials and tribulations Allah helped me grow closer to Him, and that’s when I realized the power of Allah and the importance of obeying my creator.

“I started wearing the hijab then. I started perfecting my prayers and reading the Qur’an. My parents had always shown me the importance of salah but I had failed to understand. Alhamdulillah for the experiences I went through!”

Aysha speaks of how her journey started with an intense desire to study Quran and to grasp its meaning and the intricate details of each surah.  As her interest and desire to learn continued to grow, she enrolled in a seerah course of our prophet (saw) by Al Maghrib institute and learned of the prophet Muhammad’s (saw) da’wah (invitation) efforts in Makkah and Medina as he’d called others to utilize their skills to further the teachings of true Islam.

Form a Community!

“Our teacher advised us to form a community of brothers or sisters,” Aysha says, “in order to build our ummah and stay united, to invest da’wah efforts in whatever way we could. By the end of the class I’d decided that I should get the sisters involved and start building a community to spread the message of Islam.”

With no investment and unified support from her beloved sisters, Humble Hearts was opened within two months— alhamdulillah!

Giant Steps

Humble Hearts has made giant steps since its foundation blocks were laid in November 26, 2012, focusing on Da’wah “awareness” projects that involved various activities like distributing etiquette posters and cards to be placed in schools, offices, and anywhere else for people to gain knowledge, as well as the placement of table cards during seminars, conferences, weddings, etc., that wouldl help create awareness of the proper etiquette for eating and drinking, especially with regards to food, which tends to be mercilessly wasted during such events.

Humble Hearts distributes products such as dua magnets and stickers with printer friendly designs, miswak, Fortress of a Muslim, pen and pencil da’wah tags, and stickers where a hadith or verse from the Quran on a card is attached to a pen or pencil.

Aysha elaborates on some special events in which Humble Hearts had excellent outcomes, masha Allah

“We organized the Humble Hearts Dish Party, to which we invited sisters and held talks, Islamic games, and, most importantly, taught the Muslimah code of conduct by organizing the party with a set of guidelines that helped the attendees understand the real meaning of a halal and fun-filled gathering.

Recently we also reached a milestone by sending more than 50 volunteers to the Islamic affairs department during a da’wah exhibition, where we also displayed a stand of our products for free and for sale.”

Loving the Creator and Caring for His Creation

Aysha explains how they also focus on saving the planet by using sustainable materials such as recycled envelopes and paper bags when gifting their products, subhan Allah!

“We stay eco-friendly by using reminders to save our earth, reducing wastage and conducting recycling campaigns, and we try to choose the most cost-effective way to have our products designed and manufactured.”

Over the Horizon

Aysha’s enthusiasm is inspirational, and her efforts to keep growing Humble Hearts into the future are admirable.

In shaa Allah, we hope to become a globalized network of motivated sisters working for Allah’s sake, even from home. We plan to have women’s forums, conferences, and workshops and to focus on building a righteous and unified society that will educate teenage girls and sisters of all ages to have a balanced Muslim personality and to face challenges with a more positive outlook by improving communication and relationships with Allah and their loved ones.”

How can you help Humble Hearts to keep on beating?

“Currently we are a ‘sisters only’ group and we welcome any kind of skills that can be used for the sake of Allah. Even if it’s the smallest skill, we would be more than happy to include them in our team and to increase our reach. Skills that involve team building, management, marketing, technical, creative, teaching, coordinating, communication . . . any skill set is welcome, in shaa Allah.”

From a very humble beginning Humble Hearts has provided many sisters with tools and resources to become strong Muslimahs. You can connect with sister Ayesha and Humble Hearts through their Facebook Page, and you can also share your ideas, skills, and contributions to continue spreading the true message of Islam through da’wah.

(In part two of this article, Aysha shares her tips on how dreams can become a reality by the will of Allah [swt]. )

Praying you are inspired.