UQA launching Hifz online courses! – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

UQA launching Hifz online courses!

Assalamualaikum dear brothers & sisters,

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world. Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite. (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2914). 

We are launching individual as well as group online Hifz-e-Quran courses for interested students. Now, live your dream to memorize the Quran from the comfort of your homes and at your own flexible schedule. 

The courses are offered for both kids and adults. We have a professional and dedicated Huffaz team of certified Ijazah holders from different parts of the world who can teach you in different languages. You can start your beautiful journey of Quran memorization by applying for a free trial HERE

You have 3 different Hifz tracks to choose from

  1. Track 1 – Mini Hifz courses for children in interactive and engaging way so that Quran becomes their constant companion in their life.
  2. Track 2 – Designed for Huffaz so that they can understand the whole Quran with our unique methodology in 6 months, Inshallah.
  3. Track 3 – A unique way of memorization of Quran with understanding for students above 15 years of age. Inshallah, their Hifz will be faster and stronger and with understanding! WOW! 
 Track 1Content
1Mini Hifz course – 1Learn Tajweed and memorize 30th Juzz
2Mini Hifz course – 2Memorize Surah Kahf, Surah Mulk, Surah Rahman and Surah Yaseen
3Mini Hifz course – 3Memorize Surah Baqarah

To enroll, click HERE

Objectives of the Hifz Program

The main objective of the Hifz program is to develop love and respect of the Qur’an to the extent that the student loves to memorize, recite, understand, ponder, implement, and propagate the message; or in other words, make it a book of guidance.  He should treat it as a book of relevance to his daily life and a book of success in this life and in the hereafter.

Benefits of Memorizing the Qur’an

  1. Helps you understand the MOST basic book of Islam
  2. Knowing the Qur’an gives you spiritual power and authority. Maintains stability in your spiritual life.
  3. Renews your mind and changes your way of thinking and this leads to permanent change in your life and conduct.  Integrates Allah’s guidance with your mind. You are equipped to use Scripture in real life situations. It makes the Qur’an the foundation of your life.
  4. You follow the example of Muhammad ﷺ who was a Hafiz (by Allah’s gift).
  5. You are equipped to use Scripture in real life situations
  6. Helps you to make the Qur’an the foundation of your life
  7. Integrates Allah’s guidance in your thinking patterns
  8. Gives you confidence in analysis and discussions
  9. Helps in conquering temptations of Shaitan and to gain victory over sin
  10. Recite the Qur’an in Salah with more focus, wider exposure of topics, and deeper connection with Allah
  11. Helps you teachcounselencourage, and guide others towards Islam; Gives you confidence in analysis of problems and in discussions
  12. Helps you do Tadabbur and think over the verses because Hifz requires repetition of the verses again and again (with understanding).
  13. You can recite Allah’s words any time whether you are traveling or waiting or alone.  You have them immediately available to refresh you, revive you or give you comfort
  14. Helps you to become a scholar and a Da’ee in future
  15. Helps you develop Khushoo and relationship with Allah
  16. Helps a person develop life skills (positive attitude, gratitude, perseverance, discipline, memorization, patience, )
  17. Most imp: The rewards of hereafter.

Benefits of Memorizing with Understanding

  1. Easier to memorize – retain-recall: Is it easy to memorize an Arabic poem or an English (Urdu?) poem?
  2. Faster – (even tho’ the saved time may be spent in understanding and tadabbur).
  3. Interesting: It will hold your attention to Allah’s miracles… Makes the Hifz interesting (if every page is explained before memorization)
  4. Enjoyable: Makes the Hifz enjoyable – You feel happy that you have learnt something that will be of best use.  most important aspect when it comes to student.
  5. Enables you to Fulfill the main purpose of revelation – Tadabbur & Tazakkur: Helps in developing Isharaat/pointers for each page and overall summaries for each Surah

While reciting:

  • Makes you realize the importance of Makharij (Ex: عليم، أليم) & Tajweed rules (ex: خلقنا، خلقن) and therefore memorize with better Tajweed
  • Helps you in avoiding Mutashaabihaat mistakes
  • Helps you start properly or end properly – i.e., waqf and Ibtidaa rules (during everyday prayers, esp. when he becomes an Imam)

In addition, you will know the real use of Morals, Psychology, History (world history and local history), Sciences, Maths (charts, tables, figures, numbers, stats), Geography (use of maps), Thinking, Art of speaking, Dealing with people, Memorizing, Pondering, Analyzing, etc… because he will be shown different practical aspects of life during the explanation of Qur’anic verses.

Why leave the understanding while memorizing the Qur’an?

  • Yes, there is reward in memorization of the Qur’an and yes you get spiritual boost even if you don’t understand (provided one tries to stay away from sins).  However, the spiritual boost is incomparable when you recite it with understanding.  It is like eating dry bread (for a hungry man) vs the one soaked in milk and sweet.
  • Do you ever memorize any page without understanding it?
  • Do you memorize any article or poem without seeing the links?  In fact, the more you try to see the links between pointers, the more the Surah opens up. 

Evaluation of the Hifz Program

At the end of the program, i.e., after completion of the Hifz, the student should reach a level where if any typical page of the Qur’an (present 3 to 5 random pages from the Qur’an and then make an average), the should be able to answer the following:

  • Hifz:
    • Recite the page without any mistake in Tajweed.
    • Recite the page without mistakes in Hifz after given a chance of revision for 5 minutes. Why 5 min revision? Because this is the normal case and normal approach of any Imam when he recites in daily Salah or Taraweeh salah. He revises it before reciting in Salah.
  • Arabic language
    • Answer meanings of 80% words of that page.
    • Be able to explain at least 80% of Grammar rules (Sarf and Nahw) from that page as covered in fives courses (Cours-1 to Course-5) of our syllabus.
  • Understanding & lessons
    • Score at least 75% in terms of understanding the context and message of the page (as defined by our exam papers)
    • Give at least 5 lessons that one can adopt in his life from that page.


  1. Students will be taught common vocabulary and necessary grammar in five courses in the beginning of the Hifz.  This will give a firm foundation to the student on different areas:
    • 80% of the vocabulary of the Qur’an (frequently occurring words)
    • Basics of Arabic grammar including Sarf and Nahw
    • Basic spoken Arabic that will help the student understand the Qur’an
  2. Every page will be divided into 4 to 5 pointers (for ease of explanation).  For each pointer, the student will be taught the following:
    1. Introduction & link of the pointer with previous verses
    1. Word-for-word meanings and phrase-based approach to remember the vocabulary.
    1. Message of the verses given in the pointer.
    1. Lessons, Du’aa, and plan from the pointer
    1. Arabic language (meanings of new words, basic Sarf and Nahw of that page) along with basic spoken Arabic.
    1. Helping them write at least a part of what they memorize to develop closeness to the Qur’an.
    1. Helping them memorize the pointers on their fingertips using the TPI system for pointers. It may be noted that the “pointers” or topics have been used by scholars in both Arab and Urdu tafseer books.  We are using them in our Hifz in order to strengthen the Hifz as well as the messages of the Qur’an. An example of the pointers for Half Juz using fingers of both hands is shown below:

This will not only help you memorize the Qur’an, but also make the student learn 600*4 = 2400 topics in the Qur’an, inshaAllah.

  • Use of Memory palace to remember certain pages
    • Use of breathing and visual exercises such as QR & SR (Quantum reading and Scan reading)
    • NLP tricks (A series of stories and motivational tips as given by world famous scholar Dr. Yahya Ghawthani in his workshop that he delivered 100s of times in different parts of the world, titled, Creative Ways to Memorize the Qur’an (طرق إبداعية في حفظ القرآن).
    • Audio signatures (relevant to each student) using famous reciters, especially from Haramain.  Different Surahs will be given with different reciters so that a variety exists in recitation and therefore easier to register for the brain.
    • Keywords; Pointers; phrases; and
    • Anchors (وإذ، وإذ، وإذ، ثمّ  x2   on page no. 7 of Baqarah).  This is based on the concept of “The Easy Hifz” الحفظ الميسر as proposed by
    • Tips to remember Mutashabihaat (based especially on meanings in addition to others approaches)
  • In order to develop love and respect in the heart of the student, we will try our best to present, wherever possible, the following aspects:
    • Explanation in an exciting, emotional, and appealing way
    • Linking Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ in terms of timeline (when it was revealed) and the events so that the student learns to link كان خُلُقُهُ الْقُرْاٰن (His morals were the Qur’an) to the text of the Qur’an.
    • Tazkiyah through the Qur’an (by giving stories and examples of people who were affected by the Qur’an; by showing clips of the recitations where the Qurra’ or the audience were emotionally moved).
    • Helping the student develop individual as well as team effort (ijtimaiyyat) in doing good deeds.
    • Teaching Tadabbur (pondering the verses) and Tafakkur (pondering the universe) and Tadhakkur (taking lessons).  If a student learns to do this, he can excel in any subject, inshaAllah.  Students generally lack the focus and patience, and that’s why they don’t progress in academics.
    • Miracles of the Qur’an (literary, scientific, historical, numerical, legal, etc)
    • Flowcharts, mindmaps, charts, pictures, figures, etc. to present
    • History maps, timelines, photos of locations,
    • Movie clips of relevant materials such as science and the Qur’an, history of the Qur’an, etc.

Benefits of Memorizing using POINTERS:

  • Go pointer by pointer (instead of page by page; i.e., 10*1st; 10*2nd; 10*(1,2); and it goes on till 10*(1, 2,…15th)
  • Initially pointers may not be easy to come by (unless you pick the ones written there). Why? B’cos we are not trained to do tadabbur; B’cos we don’t spend time on the verses. We understand them but don’t bother to see ‘the bigger picture.’
  • Helps in linking the page
  • Helps in tadabbur
  • Will be much more powerful in colored Mushaf
  • Quick revision of a quarter Juz (5 pages) in 1 minute. This can be a wonderful use of time while going/coming to Masjid or any place where you are waiting.

Method (Steps)

These are suggested steps and a student may choose to change some parts depending upon his style.

  1. Take one page at a time.
  2. Read the text and correct Tajweed
  3. Study translation
  4. Memorize meanings of new words
  5. Read tafseer and see the depth of each sentence / word.
  6. Study Isharat and memorize them. 
  7. Make sure to stare at the page for at least 3 minutes looking at the overall flow of topics and their connections
  8. Use Memory palace to connect different parts whenever relevant
  9. Repeat what is given in each isharah in your language
    1. Memorize the keywords under each ishara?
  10. Identify points in each line (2 attributes; 3 rewards; 4 steps; …) and mark them with pencil.
  11. Do QR, i.e., Quantum Reading (scanning the whole page from top to bottom keeping your eye at center of the lines) at least 7 times. Each QR may take 3 to 5 seconds.
  12. Do SR, i.e., Scan Reading (scanning every line from left to right stopping at two to three points in the line; each line scan may take 2 seconds). Do the whole page at least 7 times. 
  13. Listen to a good Qari again and again (at least 3 times) and recite with him. Listen to it before you sleep
  14. Develop your own modified/extended rhythm for parts of ayah, especially those parts where you may skip the words
  15. Use different set of markers to note especial trends (see below)
  16. Sit down and memorize
    1. One line or sentence/part at a time. Take a deep breath, read the line loudly (not too much), close the eyes and read it from there. 
    1. Use your hands (to show the activities, emotions), voice (to show emotions), and eyes (to read from the image of the line).
    1. Practice on Recall more than reading (brain works differently for reading and for recalling; You can’t practice recalling until the information is at least partially contained in your short-term memory)
    1. Focus on aayaat endings… see the trend of this Surah;
    1. Check the starting words of the ayaat on that page
    1. Make sure to use three things (VAM) while you memorize
      1. Visualize what you are reading
      1. Action – i.e, try to show things with your hand if possible;
      1. Modulate your voice (up and down) as per the context.  This will create audio signatures in your brain especially for cases where you may skip a phrase or mix it with others. You may follow the pattern of Qaris here.
  17. Sessions should be 30 min. Before the break, review the page contents again.  5 min break after every 30 min. Stand up walk, stretch, move, drink water, etc.
  18. Start with review again.

Daily Schedule

Below is a typical sample schedule that you can implement every day to make Hifz stronger, insha Allah.

4:30 AMto5:30 AMTahajjud Salah & Hifz
5:30 AMto6:15 AMFajr Salah
6:15 AMto8:15 AMHifz (Sabaq & Sabaq Parah)
8:15 AMto8:50 AMBreakfast & Preparation
9:00 AMto10:30 AMHifz (Amukhta)
10:30 AMto10:40 AMCarry on with your online hifz class and then daily routine

Challenges & Solutions

  1. Will the understanding of the Ayaat disturb the focus of Hifz? 
    It won’t because all the extras are built around the Hifz.
  2. Will the understanding process delay the Hifz? 
    No!  It will speed it up.  It is easier to memorize with understanding than without.  It is easy to memorize an English poem (which you understand) than Arabic poem which you don’t.  The Qur’an is the word of Allah, so it will inshaAllah be much easier to memorize when you understand it.

To enroll click HERE.

JazakAllahu khair