Psychologists tell us that it’s impossible not to lie, that we all do it every day, consciously or unconsciously, in one way or another. This view almost makes it look like lying is normal and that a certain amount of lying is okay. But even the psychologists who make this claim admit that lying can … Read more
Our Article & Blogs
7 Powerful Incentives for Being Good to Parents [Learn Quran Recitation Online]
By Tabassum Mosleh | Parents’ love– it’s intense, unselfish, natural, and beautiful. And it’s an amazing gift of Allah. Children’s love for their parents – often it’s not so intense; sometimes it’s selfish and takes effort. And it’s an extremely emphasized order of Allah. In a few places in the Quran Allah commands us to … Read more
5 Quick and Easy “Sunnah” Stress-Busters
| By Tabassum Mosleh | Stress! Is there any person in the world who isn’t intimately familiar with it? We seek relief from stress in absurd ways – by shouting at our children when they don’t do their homework, or banging the desk when an assignment isn’t going right, or watching comedy movies to take … Read more
The Warning Signs of an Abusive Friendship [Understand Quran Courses in Urdu]
By Tabassum Mosleh | Islam encourages us to make friends with other believers, to love, and to forgive. It’s extremely rewarding to be able to forgive our brothers and sisters and to be humble so that Allah (swt) in turn deals with us leniently. But there comes a time when it’s a choice between forgiveness … Read more
Wealth: 10 Quranic Teachings
Just enter Youtube and type in “wealth” and you’ll be instantly bombarded by advice on how to get rich, advice given by people who’ve stumbled upon a bit of good luck and seek to make even more money from it be convincing you that you too can “have it all.” And then there are your … Read more
Some Thoughts about Racing [Learn to Read the Quran Online]
By Tabassum Mosleh | When I was a little girl, racing games were one of my favourites among the then scantily available collection of computer games. It’s weird and tomboyish, I know, right? But my excuse is that I grew up with five uncles of similar age and tastes. I remember how we used to … Read more
Glorify, Then Supplicate!
Imagine going to a friend’s house to ask to borrow money. Would you, as soon as the door is opened, say: Assalamu alaykum, can you lend me money please? Or would you first enquire how they were doing, if it were a good time for them, and then explain the reason for your request? … Read more
REVIVE A SUNNAH: Supplications from Paradise— and Hell!
Stop for a moment and think about Paradise, its vast fields, sweet rivers, palaces, foods, and drinks. How would you feel being there in the company of those you love most— enjoying pleasures you never knew before— forever? Now visualize the Hellfire with its heat, screaming, torture, horrific foods, and boiling drinks. Can you … Read more
Reading the Quran: Why Transliteration is Not Enough
| By Tabassum Mosleh | Having a three-syllable name is somewhat of a disadvantage, especially if the name seems to be somewhat difficult to pronounce. Thus I’ve been called Tambasum, Tabasum, Tabachchum and so on at different times, and after several failed attempts at correcting I finally tell people to abandon the name altogether and … Read more