Understand Al-Quran Academy
Teacher Training Course - English
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Learn & Teach
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The best of you is the who learns the Qur’an and teaches it [Bukhari].” We hope that you have benefited from the courses on our website. Almost 90% of Non-Arab brothers and sisters do not understand the Qur’an! Let us work together to remove this illiteracy. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, “Convey from me even if it is a verse.” It is an order from him. He made it so general that even if we know one verse, we are commanded to convey it.
How to join the Teacher Training Course
Understand Quran Academy has developed a simple and practical teacher training course. Teachers’ training courses can be completed in the following manner
Join classroom teacher training
Join Online Teacher Training & learn with the instructor
Self-paced learning (start learning on your own)
Teacher Training Course (TTC)
Part 1: Subject Training [Read Quran & Understand Quran]
Live Class Video
Part 2: Teaching & Learning Skills (Pedagogy)
Live Class Video
What do you say about UQA Courses?
We know that different students have different way of learning like visual, auditory and kinesthetic. How to control classroom through high control & high involvement. Teacher should follow routine & reminder. In these 3 days short term course we understood the teaching method & students behaviou very well.
Online Student
We know that how to handle the average, below average and excellent student. The way you teach the training is very excellent and we have understand the teaching method. You explained us VAK model to understand easily for students and teachers also. You teach us how to make a student long learner. If a teacher have joy of teaching then student also come joy of learning.
Kauser Begum
Teacher - Olive Enternational School
First of all i would like to thank the management for this training. it's wonderful training very informative. I have attended so many workshop but i felt this one is the best previously I used to follow the different followers in my teaching methods but after attending this training I thought now i am following correct follower that is prophet S. A. W. how I am feeling I am updating myself by following Seerat-un-nabvi S. A. W.Thank you so much for your valuable training.Jazakallahukhair
Asiya Begum
Teacher - Olive Enternational School ( Kalapathar - Branch )
It's my priviledge to have a session by you. I'm very happy to attend this session because of I learn many new things, explanation, techniques, training, behaviour etc and also learning about our lord, prophets etc. I hope i never forget this session in my life beacuase of sir explain about islam and akhirah."Thankyou so much"
Shaik Afreen
Teacher - Olive Enternational School ( kalapathar - Branch )
Firstly I feel very happy to attend this training session it is more knowledgeable and informative and I get more ideas to improve my teaching skills and get some ideas to improve my difficulties which am facing in this journey.It is a wonderful oppurtunity to attend this type of session and I learned a lot of things here which i have never heard. It is excellent because this session relates with our religion i.e Islam.I also do my loof to follow this skills which will relate our students to almighty Allah ( SWT ). I thankful to Allah swt to give me a chance to improve my skills and the sir explanation is outstanding with good live examples with our religion also.Once again Thank you so much sir for your great efforts.Jazakallahukhair may allah bless you.
Jameela Begum
Teacher - Olive Enternational School (Kalapatthar - Branch)
Assalamualaikum wr wbRespected Sir,Mohsin Siddiqui Thanks for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that made it full of fun and happy class. He is very thoughtfull trainer who puts a lot of thoughts in my mind about lesson plans, how to handle the students how to make discipline in the classroom. In three days got to know more knowledge related to our Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) and how to change ourself with the students behaviour and mind. Heartly thankful you for such a great experience and knowledge. May Allah give you more and more knowledge about (S. A. W.) and training. May Allah always give you a lots of happiness you and your family ( Ameen )Thank you
Mariyam Ahmed
Teacher - Olive Enternational School ( Shah ali banda - Branch )
Alhumdulillah I am blessed and had a great experience with you. Got to know everything about Prophet Muhammad SAWS and gained much knowledge to improve ourselves as a teacher. You are a tremendous and outstanding mentor, guider and trainer. Heartly thank you for such great knowledge and experience. May Allah SWT bless you with lots of happiness, health, wealth and knowledge. May Allah SWT shower his blessings and barakah. For you and your family. Thank You 😊