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Stories Narrated by the Prophet | Learn Quranic Arabic at UQA

By Tabassum Mosleh | Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. The Prophet (sa) sometimes narrated stories of previous people to the Companions. Of course, all these stories were facts and not made up, and the Prophet (sa) didn’t narrate them for entertainment but rather to learn lessons from them that we can apply to our own lives. Here … Read more

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8 Quran-Based Attitudes Toward Dua

What does the Quran teach us about dua? Apparently it’s not as simple as asking for a favour. The Message assumes that we approach dua with certain necessary attitudes— and that we leave it positively transformed. Let’s take a brief survey. Speak Only to the One Who Will Answer. It’s difficult for we mere humans … Read more

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3 Enlightening Stories from the Quran

| By Tabassum Mosleh | Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. From among trillions and trillions of incidents that have occurred throughout human history, Allah (swt) picked just a few to narrate in the Quran. Obviously, these stories are special. Let us look at some of these stories and what lessons we might take from them. One day … Read more

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Differences Among the Companions Regarding Meanings and Explanation of the Quran [Learn Tajweed in Hindi]

| by Tabassum Mosleh | Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.| They were the best of generations of this nation. They learned the Quran directly from the Prophet (sa). And yet they differed in explaining meanings of the verses. How come? Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) argues that there is little difference between the Companions of the Prophet (sa) regarding … Read more

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Revive a Sunnah

Seeking Forgiveness the Sunnah Way

Think about all the things that cause you distress, anxiety, and worries. Could there be something that might relieve you of it all? If so, what an incredible value it would have! The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way … Read more

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Violence in the Quran: Look at the Whole Forest, Not Just One Tree

Quoting sacred verses out of context is one of the hallmarks of religious extremism. Why? Because isolating certain verses and separating them from the spirit in which they were said, their historical context, and the entire meaning of the book very often gives a verse or phrase a meaning that’s more suited to a terrorist … Read more

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Why is Zakah So Often Linked With Prayer in the Quran?

And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]. [Quran, 2: 43] The Saheeh English translation of the Quran contains 33 references to the word “zakah,” and 28 of them refer to those who establish prayer and give zakah. Clearly prayer and zakah are spiritually inseparable. To figure out … Read more

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The Six Blind Men and Us

By Tabassum Mosleh | I was printing some reading comprehension worksheets for my cousin when I came across this story. There were these six blind men who, having little knowledge of elephants, got very excited when they were informed of one tramping down the road. They requested the rider to let them examine it and, … Read more

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