Supplicate Anonymously! – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Supplicate Anonymously!

Did you ever think supplicating for someone else could have benefits for you, too?

Here are some ways to make your supplications for others beneficial for you, in this world and the next, inshaaAllah!

  • Make dua for forgiveness for someone who is committing a sin in public— so that maybe Allah will forgive your sins.
  • Make dua for the acceptance of someone’s da’wah work— so that your Islamic works may be accepted.
  • Supplicate for someone’s health— so that your health may be preserved.
  • Make dua for someone who is going through a trial— so that you may be guided through your own trials.
  • Ask for blessings for something someone has which you like— so that you may be granted something similar
  • Each day make dua for different persons in different situations— so that:
    – you get rewarded for supplicating
    – you are practising a sunnah
    – you may be blessed with it, too, inshaa Allah!

Praying you will benefit,

The Understand Quran Academy Team