Making Dua? Praise Allah First! – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Making Dua? Praise Allah First!

Suppose you want to borrow money from a friend. Would you go to the house, knock on the door, and ask for money? Or would you greet him, inquire about his well-being, and then ask?

Similarly, you’re missing out on a beautiful sunnah if you dive right into your dua’. When it comes to supplicating, praise Allah ‘azza wa jall first!

From Anas ibn Mālik (may Allāh be pleased with him), [who] said:

Um Sulaym came to the Prophet ﷺ and said, “O Messenger of Allāh, teach me some words
I can ask [Allāh] with.”

He said: Proclaim Allāh’s great distance, Mighty is He and Majestic, from any kind of imperfection [by saying ‘subhānallāh’ ten times; glorify Him with praise [by saying ‘al-hamdulillāh’ ten times; and extol His greatness above all things [by saying ‘Allāhu akbar’ ten times. Then after that, ask for what you need, for He [will] certainly then say: ‘Indeed, I have done it; indeed, I have done it.’

[Ref: Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhī, and Al-Nasā’ī reported it with their chains of narration, and Al-Albānī graded it hasan (a good, acceptable narration)].

Action Plan:

1. Next time you make dua’, say this first.
2. Teach others this abandoned sunnah practice.
Praying you will benefit,

Understand Quran Academy