Let the Haters Hate

by Bela Khan The Prophet (saws) and Abdullah Bin Ubaiy Prophet S.A.W had Abdullah Bin Ubaiy in life. He also had many other haters. It hurts to have haters— it’s human nature. But this hurt should not be powerful enough to stop us from living our purpose and pursuing...


Allah calls Himself Al-Muta’aali— The Supremely Exalted, The Most High— on one occasion in the Quran. He’s the One who is exalted above the whole creation. Al-Muta’aali is beyond the highest, far beyond any thoughts, limits, and ideals of mankind, He is sublime and is...

Four Surah Meditations

by Samina Farooq Falaq I seek refuge of the Lord of daybreak When through the night, light outbreaks From the evil of what is created by Him I seek refuge from everything grim From evil of darkness when it settles hiding the evil as it battles From evil of blowers in...

10 Tips for Relating to Non-Muslims

by Zahra Hassan Many non-Muslims have a bad impression of us— they think of Muslims as a bad community with strange thoughts, or, at worst, as terrorists. Why do they think of us like this? Who has portrayed us in such a bad way, and why are we silent and unable to...

The Importance of Intention in Quran Study, Part II

By Tabassum Mosleh Bushra (Read the first part of this article here.) Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. Earning the Displeasure of Allah (swt)   It was also narrated from the Prophet that the most hated person to Allah is he who is Aladd and Khasim (meaning most...

The Importance of Intention in Quran Study, Part I

By Tabassum Mosleh Bushra Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. In today’s world of materialism and secularism where religions in general, and Islam in particular, are seen as unnecessary, backward and unscientific, it is a great honour from Allah to be among those few who...
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