Memorize the names of Surahs from Al-Alaq till Al-Feel – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Memorize the names of Surahs from Al-Alaq till Al-Feel

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Would you like to memorize the names of 9 Surahs of the Qur’an starting from Surah Al-Alaq till Al-Humazah that too in 3 minutes only?

I am sure you do! Then, let us start

The first 5 verses of Al-Alaq (Al-Alaq)
Were revealed in Laylatul-Qadr (Al-Qadr)
Every verse of it was a clear sign (Al-bayyinah)
That was an earthquake for the disbelivers (Az-Zilzaal)

They came on horses in Badr and Uhud to defeat the truth (Al-Aadiyaat)
But they were knocked out (Al-Qari’ah)

So, do not race for the worldly gains (at-Takathur)
Take lessons from the time (Al-Asr)
And don’t taunt anyone who is in that race (Al-Humazah); instead, pray for him.

Thats it. Those are 9 Surahs. Read that again and again and inshaAllah, you will memorize them all.

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Lastly: Our mission is to make the learning of the Qur’an easy and interesting for adults as well as children. To continue in executing many such EXCITING projects, we need your prayers and your support.

With kind regards,
Abdulazeez Abdulraheem