Assalamualaikum Brothers & Sisters, Praise be to the one who has blessed us with countless blessings. Peace and blessings be on our leader and our Prophet, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. Let us remember the sacrifices of Ibrahim Alaih Salam while we offer our little...

The First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah Like Never Before!

Assalamualaikum Dear Brother & Sisters, Being thankful for these blessed days Allah says; ‘By the dawn/day break’ and by the ten nights. (Surah Al Fajr, Ayah 1-2) Opinion scholars: Allah azza wa jall is swearing on the last 10 nights of Ramadan or Allah is...

Shaytan’s Social Media Tricks

(A note from the Understand Quran team: We are deeply grateful to Allah (swt) that Facebook and other social networks have for us been very effective means of getting the message of the Quran to the entire world, expanding the ummah, and deepening the knowledge of...

Post Ramadan Advices

Assalamualaikum Eid Mubarak from UQA team.  May Allah accept all our good deeds that we did in Ramadan. Alhamdulillah! We thank Allah who gave us another opportunity this year. We perfomed our prayers and fasting and charity but was that enough? Definitely not! Let...

Maximize rewards in the last 10 days of Ramadan

Oh beloved! For you are to leave us soon. Oh, I wish, at least this year I could stay up to my commitment and make the most of your sacred days. Sadly, I couldn’t hit the target again. Yes! Most of us commit that this year we will make the most of Ramadan and make it...

8 Practical Tips to Memorize Quran

Do you often marvel at the existence of a Hafiz? Do people make you believe that you must have an extraordinary memory and capability to be able to memorize Quran? Are you of the opinion that if you do not understand Arabic, you can get nowhere with Quran...
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