Look at the Quran From Every Angle

Studying the Quran isn’t just about tajweed, memorisation, and remembering trivia. Part of your Quran study should include looking at the Quran from every aspect in order to deepen your knowledge and open your heart and mind to what Allah (swt) wants you to...

Protect Your Quran Study Time From Interruptions

Protect your study periods from interruptions any way you can. We can’t completely control our environments but there are some things we can do to avoid distracting ourselves. Here are some suggestions: Try to figure out the length of time during which you can...

Do You Have a Learning Disability?

A learning disability can make studying the Quran harder; alhamdulillah, the greater the striving, the greater the reward! In shaa Allah and with His help you can turn your challenge into an opportunity: Arrange a study space where you will do most of your studying....

5 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Memory Power

A good memory—both short-term and long-term— is foundational to the learning process, so let’s do everything we can to nurture and support it! 1. Get enough sleep. When you sleep your brain is like a busy office, organising and filing away the data that...

Using Mindmaps to Aid Learning

Start Mapping! Mindmapping has proven to be an effective tool for scientists, composers, writers, and students of the Quran! Why? Because this method of note-taking allows the brain to form links between information bits and to create a network of meaning that...

Teaching Makes You a Better Student

What?! Yes. Teaching someone else forces us to review the material, understand it better, and find ways to explain it, all of which helps the teacher to master the material! How? How does it work? First of all, when you prepare to teach someone else, you think about...
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