Visionaire: The Retreat That Changes Everything – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Visionaire: The Retreat That Changes Everything


by Muhammad Alshareef

One day in Madinah University, when I was only 17 years old, I was walking back from our cafeteria lunch with an American classmate. I looked up to the sky, and asked, “Listen, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” he replied.

“One day,” I said, “When I graduate, in shaa Allah, I’d like to open a night school type of Islamic education program. I don’t know— maybe I’ll call it ‘AlMaghrib.’ If I did that, would you be willing to work for me?”

This young Vietnamese American student smiled and said, “Maybe.”

The rest, as they say, is history.

You can now take instruction from Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya, from Seattle Washington, at AlMaghrib Institute. I’d offered him an instructor position nine years before even launching AlMaghrib Institute. He’s been an instructor for the past seven years. Now he’s part of something that has the potential to turn your life around.

Let me get straight to the point:

In shaa Allah, for those of you who’ll experience Visionaire 2013 in St.Andrews, your dua will never be the same again, your salah will never be the same again, and your life will never be the same again!

Forget that old cliché— “this event changed my life.” After Visionaire you’ll say, “Visionaire not only changed my life, it’s designed the greatest life I could possibly live! It’s touched everything in me to my core!”

Richness, my friend, is not an abundance of money. How many people do you know who are money rich but spiritually poor?

True wealth is the richness of niyyah, dua, and ibadah!

These things have been made readily available to us, but how many good Muslim people do we know who are down and out and going nowhere with their lives?

There’s a way out. Finally, a retreat that will take the core of your deen and dunya and use them to design your greatest life ever!

The brilliance of Visionaire is that it in no way entails escaping from Islam. Your best potential life is fully grounded in worshipping Allah through niyyah, dua, and ibadah.

How awesome is that?

I promise you this: this is not being taught anywhere else.

Visionaire will be the retreat that changes everything!

Come and join us! Sign up here.