The Best Way to Learn is to Teach – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

The Best Way to Learn is to Teach

Hear to Know, Know to Act, Act to Receive Mercy

If you hear, then you will know. If you know then you will act. And if you act well, Allah (swt) will have mercy.

So Talk About the Quran!

You  talk of thousands of things each day, so why not just talk at least one minute about the Quran, about what you learned from it today, about a verse, about a grammar rule, etc. Talk to family, friends, and colleagues.

On the authority of Uthman (ra) the Prophet (saw) said: The best of you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it. By talking about the Quran, you’ll not only be obeying, you’ll be giving and receiving benefits.

The greatest gift you can give to your children is to train them to use the Quran, the mother of all books. It’s also the best means of calling friends  and family to Islam.

Remember the Golden Rule:

I listen, I forget.

I see, I remember.

I practice, I learn.

I teach, I master.

(A motivational learning tip from our course “Understand Quran 50% of Words”—Lesson 16—

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