Teaching Makes You a Better Student

Yes. Teaching someone else forces us to review the material, understand it better, and find ways to explain it, all of which helps the teacher to master the material!
How does it work? First of all, when you prepare to teach someone else, you think about how you’ll present the material. In order to do that you try to develop a general picture of the material and at the same time retain as many details as you can, thinking of ways to connect all the facts and create an integrated picture.
When you’re preparing, you ask yourself questions— a learning method that’s been proven to be very effective. Then when you teach, your students ask you questions, which helps you even more to examine and understand the material.
The interchange you experience with your student also aids memory, as it links bits of information with teaching sessions in which you explained them.
Help from Allah (swt)
Last but not least, the very fact that you’re teaching the Quran to another person brings you multiple blessings, including the growth of your own knowledge! Be sure to make dua before studying and teaching, and you will be rewarded in shaa Allah.
May Allah (swt) richly bless your efforts to learn and spread the message of the Quran.
Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. [from Al-Quran, 3:79]