Make Goals
To fail to plan is to plan to fail. So make a plan for your Quran studies!
Be Realistic
If you have a lot of extra time on your hands, lucky you! You’ll be able to whizz through your lesson plan and start reading the Quran within the next year, in shaa Allah! Your daily plan can be to spend at least an hour a day viewing lessons, studying notes, and doing your workbooks. Each month you can set a milestone, such as learning twenty new words, or being able to read an entire (short!) surah.
But not everyone has a lot of time; school, work, and raising families are all very demanding, and some of us do all of these at once! If this is you, it’s not good to say you’ll learn the Quran in six months, unless Allah (swt) grants you a miracle.
A Great Rule for Muslims
There’s a wonderful rule that says: “Don’t skip the things you can do just because of the things you can’t do.”
For example, don’t skip a salat because you’re too exhausted to kneel and pray. Pray seated, or even lying down if you must, but be sure to pray.
In learning, this might mean that you only study Quran five minutes a day! If the alternative is not to study at all, then grab that five minutes and say, alhamdolillah! Five minutes per day can add up if you really concentrate during that time and commit yourself to doing it every day.
In this case the weekly goal can be to finish half of one lesson, and the monthly goal can be to complete two lessons. At the end of one year you might be able to make it through our Short Course 1! This is so much better than not learning Quran at all!
May Allah (swt) richly bless your efforts to learn and spread the message of the Quran!
Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. [from Al-Quran, 3:79]