Look at the Quran From Every Angle
Studying the Quran isn’t just about tajweed, memorisation, and remembering trivia. Part of your Quran study should include looking at the Quran from every aspect in order to deepen your knowledge and open your heart and mind to what Allah (swt) wants you to know.
You can even start with your own interests. Do you love science? Make a study of the scientific statements in the Quran and see what modern science has to say about them. Do you love literature? Have a look at some of the more poetic passages in the Quran and be inspired, even memorize them to recite to your friends and family. Are you a people person? See what the Quran has to say about friendship, communities, and other human forms of relationship.
There are many excellent online search sites for the Quran that make it easy for you to embark on your own personalized exploration.
Allah (swt) has made wisdom available to the ummah in general and to you in particular. Isn’t this an amazing gift? Don’t just leave it on the shelf to collect dust! Open it and explore it and say alhamdulillah for every new bit of knowledge you find there!
May Allah (swt) richly bless your efforts to learn and spread the message of the Quran.
Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. [from Al-Quran, 3:79]