Feed Your Brain at Least One of These 9 “Smart Foods” Each Day

Want your brain to understand Quran better? Memorise faster? Remember longer? Cut out the junk food and start eating healthy!
The Prophet (saws) and his companions lived in a time when nearly all foods were whole, natural, organic, and free of extra sugar, fat, salt, and preservatives.
Brothers and sisters who live in less developed countries often have the same kinds of choices. Others in these countries face great want, even starvation. May Allah (swt) aid them and compel us to do what we can to help them.
In industrialised countries on the other hand, the Ummah in is faced with another kind of starvation: food that is so overprocessed and refined, so stuffed with harmful substances that it’s not only nearly devoid of nutrients, it’s addictive!
Studying and gaining in Quranic knowledge is one of our most important missions as Muslims. So let’s feed our brains right to maximise our learning potential. Why not start by including at least two of the above “smart foods” in your diet today?
May Allah (swt) richly bless your efforts to learn and spread the message of the Quran.
Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. [from Al-Quran, 3:79]