The Curiousity Corner – Page 22 – Understand Al Quran Academy

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7 Easy But Powerful Good Deeds

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, We observe in the lives of many of the pious predecessors that whenever they found an opportunity to do some good they would make the most of it. In the hadiths of our beloved Prophet we find examples of deeds that take very little time and effort to accomplish. In our busy … Read more

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Never Say “If Only” [Learn Quran Online with UQA]

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We’re in an era where science is the overarching issue dominating every aspect of life. We learn from science that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The laws of cause and effect dominate all our dealings. Scientific laws have been discovered and proven through empirical research. However, we … Read more

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3 Steps to Waking up Energetic and Cheerful in the Morning (Learn Quran and Tajweed with UQA)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Ever feel like a zombie? It has probably happened to all of us, some time or another, that the alarm goes off and we feel so lazy and heavy, as if we haven’t slept at all. We put the alarm on snooze, then again put it on snooze, and again and again, … Read more

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5 Principles to Aid Communication in Marriage (Learn Quranic Vocabulary with UQA)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, We are experiencing a new era, an Islamic revolution. Studying Islam has become easier than ever before. Ahadith and tafasir are just one click away! Sitting comfortably in our chairs, with a cup of steaming coffee in front of us, we can watch khutbahs and lectures from Imams who are on the … Read more

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Reflection on Public Etiquettes (UQA Quran Institute)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allah Azza Wa Jall has made the city of Makkah a sanctified area, which means that certain acts that may or may not be allowed elsewhere, are not allowed inside this area. That’s why it is called haram. Things which are forbidden in it include cutting down of trees and even tearing … Read more

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Reflections on Taqwa (Learn Tajweed and Arabic with UQA)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah the Most Merciful says in the Quran: And take provisions (for Hajj), but indeed, the best provision is taqwa of Allah . And fear Me, O you of understanding. [2:197] What is taqwa? The word taqwa is usually translated as “consciousness of Allah” or “fear of Allah.” The meaning of taqwa … Read more

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Lessons from Quran Stories— Musa’s Conversation with Allah, Part II

In our last instalment we went into the first part of the titanic conversation between Musa alayhi salam and Allah. Allah had given Musa alayhi salam a brief explanation of faith, and given him a training in trusting in Allah. Now Allah will hand him the real deal, the main mission to Egypt! 24 Go … Read more

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The First Command of the Quran: RECITE!

By Raiiq Ridwan The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was the best of men even before he was a prophet. He was the most truthful of people, and while he was very successful in business, he was always honest. He never worshipped idols, and he disavowed the sinfulness of the people of Makkah— their killing of … Read more

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Lessons from Quran Stories: 9 Truths from Musa’s Conversation with Allah

We move on today with trying our best to extract lessons from the stories of the Quran. Of course the best way to tap into that would be to learn Quranic Arabic as is taught by the Understand Quran Academy so that we can understand the words of Allah in the original language and really … Read more

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