Surround Yourself With the Names of Allah – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Surround Yourself With the Names of Allah

Allah says in the Quran, The most beautiful Names are for Allah, so call on Him by them. [1] Allah mentions to us that to Him belongs the most beautiful of names, and orders us to call upon Him by them. Why is that? Because Allah’s names are not only varied, but they encompass every single situation that we may be in, and His names help us get a better understanding of His power, love and mercy upon us. Understanding His names and calling upon them enriches our dua and makes us come closer to Him.

If Allah has granted you a high position in a company or an organization, remember to be humble, because He is al-A’laa, the Most High. No matter how high you and I may go, Allah is Higher than it all, and pride is something that is only befitting of the One who has everything in control, because He is al-Mutakabbir, the Proud.

If Allah has granted us a good life, and has removed from us anxieties and pain, then we must not forget Him either. Because all of it is from Him, He is ar-Rahman the Exceedingly Merciful, and He is al-Akram the Exceedingly Generous. Not only that, but He is ash-Shakoor, the One who is most appreciative of our efforts and deeds. Thus, while our thanking and praising of Him is deficient, ash-Shakoor is always appreciative of our efforts and to know that this is a gift from al-Wahhab, the Bestower of gifts.

When we are hungry, we must remember that He is ar-Razzaq, the granter of provisions, of not only food, but of money, clothing, family and everything that we have. Thus, in times of neediness and financial difficulty, it is worth remembering that Allah is al-Ghaniy, the One Free of any need, and thus to fulfil our need we turn to Him. He is also al-Mughnee, the One who Enriches us, and thus for all our needs, it is He that we can turn to.

When things look unsafe, and we fear an attack, it is worth calling upon Al-Hafeedh, the One who preserves and protects. Because while others maybe out to harm us, He is ar-Raqeeb, the Ever Watchful Guardian, and He is al-Waliy, the Guardian Friend of those who believe and do good deeds!

When we are ill, we must remember that He is ash-Shafi, the One who cures.

When people have hurt us, and we are in pain, it is worth remembering that He is al-Jabbar, the Mender of the broken hearts, and that no matter how far people may throw us off in life, that He is al-Qareeb, the One who is always near. And while we see darkness in every sphere of life, we must remember that He is al-Lateef, The Subtle One who has a plan behind it all, and only wants to benefit us, but we just do not understand.

When things look impossible, it is worth remembering that He is al-Qadeer the Most Powerful One, and that He is al-Qaahir, the One who subdues everything else, and that He can subdue whatever it is that is making us feel as if life is impossible. And when we think that no one understands our pain, it is important to remember that He is al-Aleem the One who knows everything, and that He is al-Baseer, the One who sees everything. He knows and sees all, and He is there for you. Know that He is al-Wakeel the Trustworthy One, and upon Him we can trust to solve all of our problems.

In these times when we are making dua after dua, and we wonder if Allah is hearing us, we must remember that He is as-Samee’, the One who listens, and that He is al-Mujeeb, the One who responds, and that our dua has already been responded to. He is ar-Rafeeq, the Gentle towards us, and that He is al-Wadud, the Excessively Loving.

When we have sinned a lot , we must remember that He is al-Haseeb the One who will bring us all to account. And in our fear of His punishment, we must also remember that He is ar-Raheem, all-Merciful. Thus we turn to Him, because He is not only al-Ghaffar the Forgiving, but al-Ghafoor the One who forgives extensively. He is also as-Sattar, the One who hides it from us, and He is al-Afuww the One who can erase the sin from our list of deeds. And above all, He is at-Tawwab, the One we turn back to and the One who accepts our repentance.

Through all of this we understand that Allah is al-Ahad, the Only One, and that none can take His place in our lives. He is al-Mu’tee the Giver, and He gives us a lot. He is al-Malik the King, and He is also as-Salam the One who is perfect, and ultimately in life, whatever it is that we do, as long as we are turning to Him, we know that al-Kabeer the Greatest One always has our back, as long as we turn to Him and ask from Him, because at the end of the day, He is as-Samad, the One who is Free of Need, but upon whom everything else depends on

[1] Quran 7:180


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