Assalamu Alaikum My Dear Readers, We begin our day with Alhamdulilah, thanking Allah for all that He (سبحانه وتعالى) has blessed us with. Amongst his greatest blessings are our precious sprouts, our beloved children (May Allah bless them and make them the coolness of our eyes, ameen). In today’s world, we may face challenges in … Read more
We don’t see and hear ourselves when we are angry, especially when dealing with our kids. We shout, scream, and say things that are considered very mean in an adult world. It’s true that we are tired beyond belief, enraged, and torn apart, but kids only exhaust us because they are so full of energy … Read more
Kissing your children is sunnah. It’s also a beautiful sign of the mercy of Allah! So make it a habit, and ecourage others to do the same. (Check out more sunnan and printable review posters here! )
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, The Prophet’s uncle, Al-Abbas, remained in Makkah on the Prophet’s order while the Prophet and most of the Muhajireen were in Madinah. There were others too who would give information to the Prophet about the enemies when they were planning against him. One such occasion was when the Quraish and other Arab … Read more
The Children of Israel are addressed in the Quran many times. In fact a major portion of the Quran consists of the story of Musa (peace be upon him) and Banu Israel (the Children of Israel). The Quran goes in depth about the history of Banu Israel, including their trials and crimes. However, due to … Read more
Children are a test from Allah ‘azza wajal. Dealing with them in the right way can bring lasting rewards, and treating them wrongly can have a bad effect on your life and your hereafter. Bottom line: kids have a profound effect on your productivity! Anas ibn Malik radiyallahu ‘anhu served the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa … Read more
Learn the meanings of 50% Qur’anic words in just 10 hours!
Understand the meaning of commonly used Surahs and Azkaar of Salah which will make your daily Salah more effective.
This is our most popular course which is being offered to thousands of brothers, sisters and children both online and in person from UK to USA, Canada, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and the Far East. We have students from all over the world.
So, when you finish this course, you will know half of the words on each page of the Quran, in-sha-Allah.
Learn the meanings of 50% Qur’anic words in just 10 hours!
Understand the meaning of commonly used Surahs and Azkaar of Salah which will make your daily Salah more effective.
This is our most popular course which is being offered to thousands of brothers, sisters and children both online and in person from UK to USA, Canada, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and the Far East. We have students from all over the world.
So, when you finish this course, you will know half of the words on each page of the Quran, in-sha-Allah.
The main objective of the Hifz program is to develop love and respect of the Qur’an to the extent that the student loves to memorize, recite, understand, ponder, implement, and propagate the message; or in other words, make it a book of guidance. He should treat it as a book of relevance to his daily life and a book of success in this life and in the hereafter.
Course Package Contains
75 USD/student 4 / 5 / 6 classes a week Each class duration 40 minutes Payments modes are PayPal and debit/credit cards Package includes, free access to our website, free word-word Quran soft copy, monthly progress reports, regular assignments & revisions, quizzes, tests, and course completion certificate after a final evaluation
Enroll Now
To help you facilitate this work, we have prepared a very effective program for teaching the Qur’an at Understand Al-Qur'an Academy.
How do I sign up? You simply click on the button from any column above. After you pay, we will find a teacher on a time that suits you the best, inshaAllah.
Do we have any course materials? Our students will be given access to to watch all our video lessons. Plus, they will have an option to watch the recordings of all their lessons; and a student workbook, textbook and worksheets developed for the lessons will be sent by your teacher. Besides, children will have access to our online game and some links will be sent to watch the videos which are related to our lessons.
What curriculum will you teach in Personal Classes? We have developed a revolutionary curriculum to get learners of all ages on the fast track towards reading Quran with the following courses: 1. Read Quran – The Easy Way with built-in Tajweed – a 20-hour course divided over 50 lessons. 2. Understanding Quran and Salah – The Easy Way Short Course 1 – targeting 50% of Quranic Arabic vocabulary – a 9-hour course in 19 sessions. Short Course 2 – targeting 70% vocabulary – an additional 9-hour course spread over 20 sessions. Short Course 3  The duration may vary depending on the competency level of each student.
Any computer skills required? You need the basic knowledge of computer, and we will send you a link to go through the training session. For children those who are under the age of 10 will have to be assisted by their parents and the basic skills will be taught to the kids in the intro session. Even children of 4 to 5 years can participate in our classroom if they can get hold of the mouse control.