Understand Al Quran Academy

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Parenting Tips on Upbringing Children!

Assalamu Alaikum My Dear Readers, We begin our day with Alhamdulilah, thanking Allah for all that He (سبحانه وتعالى) has blessed us with. Amongst his greatest blessings are our precious sprouts, our beloved children (May Allah bless them and make them the coolness of our eyes, ameen). In today’s world, we may face challenges in … Read more

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Are the Children Wrong, Or Are You Just Angry?

We don’t see and hear ourselves when we are angry, especially when dealing with our kids. We shout, scream, and say things that are considered very mean in an adult world. It’s true that we are tired beyond belief, enraged, and torn apart, but kids only exhaust us because they are so full of energy … Read more

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Follow the Prophet— Kiss Your Children!

Kissing your children is sunnah. It’s also a beautiful sign of the mercy of Allah! So make it a habit, and ecourage others to do the same. (Check out more sunnan and printable review posters here! )

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Problem-Solving Techniques Derived from the Seerah [Quran Course for Children at UQA]

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, The Prophet’s uncle, Al-Abbas, remained in Makkah on the Prophet’s order while the Prophet and most of the Muhajireen were in Madinah. There were others too who would give information to the Prophet about the enemies when they were planning against him. One such occasion was when the Quraish and other Arab … Read more

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The Children of Israel in the Quran: Learning about Banu Israel

The Children of Israel are addressed in the Quran many times. In fact a major portion of the Quran consists of the story of Musa (peace be upon him) and Banu Israel (the Children of Israel). The Quran goes in depth about the history of Banu Israel, including their trials and crimes. However, due to … Read more

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Let Children Be Children— With Emaan!

Children are a test from Allah ‘azza wajal. Dealing with them in the right way can bring lasting rewards, and treating them wrongly can have a bad effect on your life and your hereafter. Bottom line: kids have a profound effect on your productivity! Anas ibn Malik radiyallahu ‘anhu served the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa … Read more

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Regular Class Attendance: If a student failed to attend the first class, please contact 121Global@understandquran.com to explain the reason for absence. For the rest of the classes, please contact the teacher to notify your absence.
It is highly recommended to attend all classes, so students will understand the contents of the course well.
Our academy expects at least 80% of attendance per month.   Punctual Class Attendance: Students are advised to follow all classes on time, especially the first class, and failure to do so will result in shortening of the class.
The student must make sure to get in touch with the teacher before the class starts (either on skype/phone), so if he/she has any problems with their class settings, the teacher may assist the student.
In emergency situations (connection failure, power cut, etc.), students must contact their teacher through the phone to let him/her know the situation.   Online Classrooms should be considered as the real-based classrooms It is vital to treat the classroom as a real based one. The virtual classroom should be regarded as a professional environment with mutual respect for both teachers and students.
Much emphasis will be given to the active participation of students. Teachers will have to submit a report every month concerning the performance of his/her students.
Anyone who deliberately attempts to distract others will be taken into account by our academy.   Regarding Absence/Missed Classes If the student is planning to be absent for a class/classes, the student must make sure to inform in advance to the teacher and admin. Please note that a maximum of only upto 2 missed classes per month due to absence of students will be made up later by the teacher from Mar 2021 onwards.  This decision of policy change regarding missed classes has been taken to lessen the burden of the teachers and also to respect her time and profession.
The missed classes in  a given month can only be made up in the same month or the next month in the calendar. Missed classes will not be made after the passage of more than 1 month from the month of missed classes.
If you are a student of 1 to 1 session, the classes missed due to the absence of your teacher will be rescheduled for another day which is convenient for both you and your teacher.
If you are a student of 1 to many sessions, then the classes missed by you will not be replaced and you will have to watch the recordings to keep up with the lessons; but in case of the absence of the teacher, we will reschedule the class by considering the timing which is convenient for both the students and teacher.
In case of unplanned leave or emergency, it is the responsibility of the students to notify the teacher about your absence later.
If a student wants to pause his/her classes for a month/months, then he/she will be given an option of continuing paying for the classes to retain the same teacher and the timing slots. If it is a temporary withdrawal from our academy, then the student can join us back whenever you can, but the availability of the same teacher and the timing slots will not be guaranteed as we work on the come first, serve first basis.
If a student fails to attend a class consecutively for two weeks, an email notification will be sent from the official mail (121Global@understandquran.com) and the failure to reply within the next 3 business days will confirm that you have dropped out from our academy.   Administrative Concerns: At the end of every month, an attendance report will have to be submitted by every teacher and our academic decisions will be reconsidered according to the percentage of attendance and involvement.
Once the time for a class is set, it will not be changed unless it’s really necessary to do so, and an appropriate decision will be taken by the admin and the teacher in each particular case.
We strongly advise you to follow the first trial class very attentively, so you can reconsider your decision if you want; but once you have enrolled and wanted to discontinue thereafter, then your fees for the current month will not be refunded.
Children under the age of 10 should be guided by their parents and their participation will be observed along with their child.
Parents or adult students can send a mail regarding their teachers punctuality & discipline, class times or any other related issues to the admin on 121Global@undrerstandquran.com, and the decision will be taken in accordance with the policies and rules of our academy with the intention of providing the best services for all the stakeholders involved.
If a student is unsatisfied with his/her teacher in the first week, then he/she can send a mail to us, but please note that a student cannot change his/her teacher for more than once in a given month and if that happens 3 times in 3 different months, the student will have an option of opting out from our academy.
The classes will be conducted all around the year excluding Islamic Holidays (Ramadhan & Eid Ul Adha) which will be announced through our official mail.
For further enquiries, please contact: 121Global@understandquran.com   Refund policy: If student missed one-month classes and wish to have a full refund he/she/parents must mail to 121Global@understandquran.com by the end of that month or by the first of next month
Refunds are made on whole month fee only, no partial refunds will be done for any number of missed classes
Refunds shall be made only within one month of the missed classes, late refund requests of over one-month-old will NOT be processed/made.   Other Important notes: Please ask doubts during the assigned classroom session time. The teacher is not obliged to reply to messages on WhatsApp, other chats, phones as he/she may be occupied and will be catering to other students.
UQA teacher expects your full focus and dedication towards learning the book of Allah. It has been found that those who complete the course earlier than the stipulated time, had passion and gave top priority to the course.
Please help us spread this noble work by sharing about us in your circles.  

Understand Al-Qur’an – the Easy Way Mesco Public School

Learn the meanings of 50% Qur’anic words in just 10 hours!
Understand the meaning of commonly used Surahs and Azkaar of Salah which will make your daily Salah more effective.
This is our most popular course which is being offered to thousands of brothers, sisters and children both online and in person from UK to USA, Canada, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and the Far East. We have students from all over the world.
So, when you finish this course, you will know half of the words on each page of the Quran, in-sha-Allah.

Understand Al-Qur’an – the Easy Way (Intro Session)

Learn the meanings of 50% Qur’anic words in just 10 hours!
Understand the meaning of commonly used Surahs and Azkaar of Salah which will make your daily Salah more effective.
This is our most popular course which is being offered to thousands of brothers, sisters and children both online and in person from UK to USA, Canada, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and the Far East. We have students from all over the world.
So, when you finish this course, you will know half of the words on each page of the Quran, in-sha-Allah.