Rewarding Ramadan Programs – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Rewarding Ramadan Programs

2 Rewarding Ramadan Programs

This Ramadan we have something special, serving both our youth and the sisters; the pillars of our ummah! While occupying the children studying Islamic knowledge and engaging in hands-on activities to boost their emaan; sisters can enjoy structured, daily guidance to spend time on their own worship!

Daily Bite-size Guidance exclusively for sisters

This Ramadan, get daily five-minute posts with a balance of Qur’an in Action, Sunnah to revive, Heart-language Dua’ and Shukr focus!

Especially for busy mums and sisters; you’ll get beautiful visuals, creating a moment of calm and true love experiencing one ayah, one sunnah, one dua’ and one blessing to reflect on. Designed to simply follow along each day and maximize your rewards.

Do you feel overwhelmed with all your tasks and all the Islamic resources out there? Let’s put an end to the guilt and frustration you’ve been feeling for not giving your Deen the time it needs!

The unique, life-changing daily Ramadan Love Series will help you to fulfill four good deeds each day and learn new Islamic knowledge to get closer to Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) – one step a day. You’ll get Deen-based assignments and simple exercises to feel closer to Allah and Islamic Knowledge gems with action points- not just theory! There will be guided reflections enabling you to feel more ‘present’ in your daily life and recognize the blessings in it. You’ll get inspired by supplications in heart-language; inviting you to speak to your Lord and practical faith-based tools & resources developed exclusively for ‘My Deen Coach.’

Experience a Ramadan of true love and benefit from balanced, daily guidance. Join here:

An Ayah & A story of Great Importance this Ramadan

How many times do we get busy in Ramadan and let our children resort to smart devices, TV, and gaming? We know we shouldn’t, but we need to do our ‘ibaadah (worship) right?

When Allah commanded His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to call people, He said: “And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred” [al-Shu’ara’ 26:214]

Every single Muslim is a daa’iyah or propagator, who should call people to Allah. So the first people whom one calls should be one’s children and family who are close. Because they are the first people to whom we should do good and show mercy. This Ramadan you can facilitate your children to gain authentic knowledge in a fun way, while you focus on your worship and it will be an ongoing charity for you, insha’Allah!

The Story of the King & the Girl

Al-Jawzi said: There was a king who had a lot of wealth, and he had a daughter and no other children. He loved her very much, and he used to let her enjoy all kinds of entertainment. This went on for a long time. Beside the king there lived a devoted worshipper, and whilst he was reciting one night, he raised his voice saying, “O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones “ [al-Tahreem 66:6 – interpretation of the meaning]. The girl heard his recitation and said to her servants, “Stop!” But they did not stop. The worshipper started to repeat the verse, and the girl kept telling them to stop, but they did not stop. She put her hands to her collar and tore her garment, and they went to her father and told him the story. He went to her and said, “My dear, what happened to you tonight? What made you weep?” and he hugged her. She said, “I ask you by Allaah, O my father, to tell me, does Allaah have a Fire the fuel of which is men and stones?” He said, “Yes.” She asked him, “Why did you not tell me? By Allaah I will not eat any good food or sleep on any soft bed until I know whether my abode is in Paradise or Hell.”[Safwat al-Safwah, 4/437-438]

This Ramadan, reflect on a trust the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth put in your hands: your children. To help you to make time for worship, without comprising your responsibility towards the children, we developed Ramadan Tutor.
While you’re busy; your children will be taught one-on-one, about different Islamic topics and engaged in hands-on activities. will be rewarded for it, by Allah’s Will.

Don’t let your children slip away this Ramadan, and join: Ramadan Tutor here:

Experience a Ramadan from the heart, for both children and sisters. Ramadan Tutor for children… My Deen Coach for mums!

For mums and sisters:
For children:

Understand Qur’an Academy Team