Qur’an Lessons for Youth, Part I – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Qur’an Lessons for Youth, Part I

by Amina Edota

Are you a young Muslim? Struggling to balance your faith with your daily life? Juggling the career ladder with earning halaal? Staying modest while remaining social?

You will certainly face many challenges and decisions, day in, day out. Yet you need to master your time, skills, and youthful energy so as to achieve success in the worldly life and in the hereafter. Or don’t you?

The big question is, where do you seek your solutions and answers? Is it from the Internet, social media, celebrities, friends, or self-help books?

It is typical to find some temporary answers here and there from such sources. But what if I were say to you, amidst the endless challenges and problems facing the youth today, that you can find lasting solutions in the Noble Qur’an?

Yes, you read that right!

You can uphold Quranic lessons and those from the Sunnah and make them your guide through youth. Read the Qur’an daily; reflect on at least a lesson every day, and endeavour to share the lesson with your colleagues and loved ones. You can make the Qur’an your Number 1 Youth manual!

Read along while I surf through some of those youth issues and accompanying Quranic lessons.

Qur’an Stories and Lessons for Every Muslim Youth

The Story of Prophet Yusuf (as)

We all love stories with a happy ending, just as the story of Prophet Yusuf (as) ended in the Qur’an [Surah Yusuf: Chapter 12].

Verily, in Yusuf (Joseph) and his brethren, there were Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) for those who ask. [Quran,12:7]

His life journey as detailed was anything but happy from the beginning. His childhood and youth were characterised by tests of various levels and not without physical and emotional pain. It was also filled with conspiracy, accusation, jealousy, imprisonment, family tension, and separation, slavery, and more.

It was strong faith, reliance on Allah (swt), supplication, good character, and patience that pulled him through. Yusuf (as) developed the skills needed to survive the greatest of trials— separation from his loved ones— yet he emerged an exemplary leader and a success by all standards. All of these are narrated vividly in the Qur’an so that we may reflect and take lessons.

Lessons from the Story of Yusuf (as)

Have patience during trials. Yusuf (as) was tried with an intense sibling rivalry, temptation from a lady in high position, and authority among, other tough challenges. He remained patient through all of it. Allah (swt) rewarded him with worldly success and strong faith, and united him with his loved ones after many years of separation.

Forgive those who wrong you: Yusuf (as) was separated from his loved ones purely because of bad feelings from envy, and this led him into slavery and eventually falling into trouble with the authorities. He forgave all those who wronged him and even gave his help and support to them in their time of great need.

Be of good character and a great example: His noble character and principles were firmly grounded in his belief in Allah (swt) and this shone through from his inner being to the outside. This earned Yusuf (as) a noble position in the society as well as respect and admiration by all who met him. He became a noble leader and a great example to those around him, including his jealous and oppressive brothers.

The Story of Luqman the Wise

Luqman was a pious man who Allah (swt) blessed with much wisdom. He was reminded to be thankful to Allah, the Almighty.

And We had certainly given Luqman wisdom [and said], “Be grateful to Allah .” And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] – then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy. [Quran, 31:12]

Luqman advised his son using the best of words and in regards to life in general. How? From the example of his faith, his treatment of parents and other people, and his consciousness of Allah (swt). His words to his son carry important messages for Muslim youth and to all of mankind.

There are many profound lessons found in the advice of a loving father to his dear son. [Quran, 31:12-19]. Consider them as advice to you from a father figure and a great mentor!

Lessons from the Advice of Luqman to his Son

Believe in Allah (swt) alone & remain firm upon Tawheed. Luqman warned his son against joining partners in worship with Allah – shirk, because it is the greatest form of injustice man can commit. You must commit to Tawheed (oneness of Allah – SWT) in all of your words and actions. That is the greatest form of justice you can uphold.

Maintain an excellent attitude towards parents. Honour your parents, be kind to them and take care of them even if they are not Muslims. Your obedience should only end when they invite you to join others in worship with Allah (swt).

Guard all acts of worship with patience. You will be tested with your personal worship and in dealing with others, so learn to be patient. Perform your prayers correctly and at the appointed time. Enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong.

Be kind to yourself and others. Nothing is hidden from Allah, so beware of doing wrong to others in even the simplest of ways. Do not be loud arrogant and boastful. And always strive to be moderate in your walk and talk.

(to be continued)



Amina Edota is a writer, a mentor and a business owner. She is passionately committed to inspiring Muslim youth to act on the opportunities of their youth. Join her for inspirational tips, insights, resources, and reminders for Muslim youth (@www.youthlyhub.com).