Now Understand the Qur’an the Easiest Way Ever!
Assalamualaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Qur’an is extremely easy to understand. Several years ago, Alhamdulillah, we had developed a course which teaches you the Arabic of the Qur’an using what you recite every day in Salah with simple grammar which Masha Allah teaches you 125 frequently occurring words which occur almost 40,000 times, i.e., 50% words of the Qur’an!
Well improved version now! We are super excited to share with you this good news that understand Qur’an 50% course(SC1) is now well revised, making it easier to learn with added features. Have a FREE TRIAL.
After almost 7 years of experience of teaching this course, we have made:
– 10 changes in this course and
– 5 in Part A and 5 in Part B
Its easy, fun, interactivity, and effective learning. From video clips to soft & hard materials, we have got it for you. You can buy the material or access the course online via website subscription.
So, get it now and make the most of this Ramadan by understanding the Qur’an & Salah the easiest way possible Insha Allah!
Added Features:
-Reduced the contents (Removed starting prayer & ending prayer, because different people use different prayers)
-Arranged the lessons from easy to challenge ones; Shorter lessons over all
-Added 13 habits of success based on the ideas of Prof. & Shaikh Harjani Hefni from Indonesia
-Added an amazing Du’aa after Rukoo’. It will generate immense gratitude in you, which is a key to success in both worlds
-TPI sequence is now in sync with spoken Arabic!!
Lastly, in the video clips:
-For translation, we have practice sessions with Br. Qari Imran and a team of students
-For grammar too, we have them practice before you
-You will feel as if you are sitting in a class and therefore join them in doing the practice
Despite all these reductions & simplifications, you will still learn 50% words of the Qur’an!! 200 words which occur in Quran almost 41,111 times i.e., 52% of Qur’anic words!
We are sure that Insha’Allah, every one of you can learn it and can teach it as well! Hope to see you in the course!
JazakAllahu Khairan
Team UQA