Make Flashes in Your Brain!

How does the brain work? When we buy something, we check the manual to try to understand how that tape recorder or other device works. We are blessed with such a powerful brain, but rarely are we taught how this brain works.
This is unfortunate. As we’ve already learned, each cell has up to 20,000 branches, called dendrites. So when I say a word like “elephant” and you hear it, tens of thousands of cells join their branches together and a connection is made in your brain. A flash is generated, just like in the sky when a positive charge meets a negative charge to create lightning.
When you say the word, another flash is generated.
If you know the spelling and the part of speech (noun), another two connections or flashes are made in your brain. The shape of the word creates another connection and flash. The emotions you associate with that word will generate another flash. Perhaps you will recall the story of Abraha and this will create a connection because it registered with the word “elephant” when you learned it. Any smells or pictures you associate with this word will create more connections. If I show you a real elephant you will never forget the word! The presence and movement of a real thing generates a huge powerful flash that’s retained for a long time.
What does this have to do with learning the Quran? It has everything to do with learning the Quran— and physics and chemistry and everything else. But in studying the Quran we have to learn the meanings of new words, so it’s important to know that the more flashes you create:
- The easier it is to memorize and remember
- The easier it is to retain for a longer time
- The easier it is to recall
TPI (Total Physical Interaction) is just that!
(A motivational learning tip from our course “Understand Quran 50% of Words”—Lesson 2—