A Look at the Last 10 Surahs of the Quran, Part II

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the previous article we had a brief glimpse of the first four of the ten last surahs of the Quran. Now we will proceed with the remaining in sha Allah.
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5. Surat Al Kafiroon
1 Say [Prophet ﷺ], ‘O Disbelievers: 2 I do not worship what you worship, 3 you do not worship what I worship, 4 I will never worship what you worship, 5 you will never worship what I worship 6 you have your religion and I have mine.’
Despite many attempts by Quraysh, they could not extinguish the fire of Islam. More and more people were accepting Islam by the day. Some of the best people of Quraysh were now Muslims. After torture failed, persecution failed, even an economic boycott failed to stop the message of the Prophet ï·º, the Quraysh then had a new idea – negotiation. They offered the Prophet ï·º money, women, status, kingship etc. but obviously the Prophet rejected. Then the Quraysh offered that for a year they would worship Allah in return for a year the Muslims would worship their gods. And the reply that the Prophet ï·º gave to this outrageous offer was taught by Allah Himself –Â this very surah.
Thereafter Allah makes the message of Islam clear, it is not only about believing and worshipping Allah but also, ‘I do not worship what you worship’. Whatever or whoever it is that the people may ask us to worship, bow down, obey other than or in spite of Allah, we will never accept it. Thereafter, the Prophet ﷺ is ordered to tell Quraysh, ‘you do not worship what I worship, I will never worship what you worship; you will never worship what I worship’. This is not to say that we are to insult other religions or gods, not at all. Rather, this was a message given to the Quraysh after they kept denying the message for years and years and years, and finally Allah sent this Surah. And even after this, Allah still allows them to follow their religion, ‘and you have your religion and I have mine.’
6. Surat an Nasr
1. When God’s help comes and He opens up your way [Prophet ﷺ],
2. When you see people embracing God’s faith in crowds, 3 celebrate the praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness: He is always ready to accept repentance.
The Prophet’s life in Makkah after Islam was full of misery because of the reaction of the Quraysh. They tortured the companions, cursed the Prophet and spread propaganda against him. Finally they were prepared to kill him when the Prophet safely migrated from there to Madinah. Only in a matter of ten years, the situation had turned upside down. The Prophet had conquered Makkah, and all the mushrikeen who had abused the Prophet and the Companions were at the mercy of the Prophet, whom he forgave. All of this was the promise of Allah delivered. The promise, ‘When God’s help comes and He opens up your way’ was fulfilled. The generosity and the kindness of the Prophet ﷺ won him many hearts and tribes upon tribes were coming into Islam as Allah had prophesized, ‘when you see people embracing God’s faith in crowds’.
Very often when we win or achieve something we celebrate boastfully and arrogantly. Yet the Prophet ﷺ upon victory entered the city, head bowed, and making du’a to Allah, as Allah had commanded, ‘celebrate the praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness: He is always ready to accept repentance.’
7. Surat al Lahab
1 May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined! May he be ruined too!
2 Neither his wealth nor his gains will help him: 3 he will burn in the Flaming Fire–– 4 and so will his wife, the firewood-carrier, 5 with a palm-fibre rope around her neck.
The Prophet ﷺ, after being ordered by Allah to declare the message of Islam to the Qurayish, stood on top a hill and called out to the people and asked them, ‘If I were to tell you that there is an army behind this mountain coming to attack you, will you believe me?’ They all replied yes, because the Prophet ﷺ had never lied and was the most trustworthy. Then he called all the tribes by name and told them about Islam. That is when his own uncle Abu Lahab became angry and called out, ‘May your hands be ruined, have you gathered us for this?’ So Allah said, ‘May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined!’
And from that day, till the end of his life, Abu Lahab was one of the unfaltering enemies of the Prophet ﷺ. Allah gave support to the Prophet ﷺ by announcing that Abu Lahab would be punished, ‘May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined! May he be ruined too!’ And Abu Lahab would say that on the Day of Judgement he would use his massive wealth to buy himself a place in paradise to which Allah clarified, ‘Neither his wealth nor his gains will help him.’
(to be continued)
Tabassum Mosleh