Four Surah Meditations – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Four Surah Meditations

by Samina Farooq


I seek refuge of the Lord of daybreak

When through the night, light outbreaks

From the evil of what is created by Him

I seek refuge from everything grim

From evil of darkness when it settles

hiding the evil as it battles

From evil of blowers in knots

Black magic of all evil plots

From evil of an envier when he envies

From blame, calumny, backbite, and tease


I seek refuge in the lord of mankind

their master and God— only One of His kind

From evil of the retreating whispering one

into their chests the whisper’s done

They may be from humans or jinns

No matter the form, don’t let them win



He is Allah, He is one

every other god we are to shun

He is self-sufficient, free of need

We are dependent, to Him we plead

He neither begets nor is born

He never sleeps nor feels worn

Nor is there to Him any equivalent

Neither idols nor the prophets He sent



O disbelievers! Listen, oh you!

I don’t worship what you do

Nor are you worshipers of what I worship

Since you will never, why should I flip?

So for you is your religion, for me is mine

Between you and me, there’s a fine line