The First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah Like Never Before!

Assalamualaikum Dear Brother & Sisters,
Being thankful for these blessed days
Allah says; ‘By the dawn/day break’ and by the ten nights. (Surah Al Fajr, Ayah 1-2)
Opinion scholars: Allah azza wa jall is swearing on the last 10 nights of Ramadan or Allah is swearing on the 10 nights of the 1st ten days of Dhul Hijjah. InshaAllah today we will discuss in reference to the 2nd opinion (also held by Ibn Katheer)
LESSON: Can u imagine Allah Himself swearing on something?? Likewise, the 1st ten days of Dhul Hijjah are immensely important and we should thank Allah azza wa jall for the blessing of these days.
How can we thank Allah?
By doing those things and deeds through which we can attain the maximum benefit and reward. To do those deeds the most beautiful, beloved, respectful and humble way. This is what ibaadah is.
Do you feel now like you felt in the last ten nights of Ramadan? Why? Because we don’t realize the importance of these days of Dhul Hijjah. Did you prepare for them? Did you make an action plan?
What is Dhul Hijjah?
It means the month of pilgrimage, the Month of Hajj, Last Islamic month (12th)of the year, It is one of the 4 sacred months in which fighting is forbidden.
History facts dhul hijjah
* The Prophet ﷺ performed the farewell Hajj and gave the historic sermon known as the “Farewell Sermon”
* Egypt was conquered by the army sent by Umar (radiyallahu anhu)
* Uthmaan (radiyallahu anhu) was appointed the 3rd Khalifah
* Fatimah (radiyallahu anhaa) married the 4th Khalifah, Ali (radiyallahu anhu)
* Umar (radiyallahu anhu) was martyed on the 27th of Dhul Hijjah in the year 26AH
* Uthman (radiyallahu anhu) was maryted on the 18th of Dhul Hijjah in the year 35AH
Overview of these ‘honorable’ days:
* 1st Dhul Hijjah –10th Dhul Hijjah
* 1-8th Dhul Hijjah
Pilgrims assume or put their ihram on with the intention of performing hajj, the pilgrims leave and all head to Mina. For the non-pilgrims, these days are of immense ibaadaat and reward.
* 9th Dhul Hijjah = Yawm-Arafah. Most beloved day to Allah azza wa jall
Pilgrims they leave to go to a place called Arafah. Here the Pilgrims pray and ask of Allah azza azza wa jall.
This is the Hajj Day – This is what Hajj is.
For Non-pilgrims, it is a day of fasting which is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
* 10th Dhul Hijjah = Yawm alNahar = Day of Sacrifice
The day when the pilgrims go to throw stones at the Shaytan- Jamaarat -cut their hair take off,their ihram, perform the sacrifice.
Eid-ul-adhaa ”Big eid”- people often don’t bother celebrating this Eid. Day of Qurbani or Haddiyah
Note: there is no chand raat like Christmas eve!
* 11th Dhul Hijjah = Yawm-al-Qarr – Pilgrims stay in Mina
* 10-13th Dhul Hijjah = Qurbani can be performed
* 10th Dhul Hijjah = Yawm alNahar = Day of Sacrifice
The day when the pilgrims go to throw stones at the Shaytan- Jamaarat -cut their hair take off,their ihram, perform the sacrifice.
Eid-ul-adhaa ”Big eid”- people often don’t bother celebrating this Eid. Day of Qurbani or Haddiyah
Note: there is no chand raat like Christmas eve!
* 11th Dhul Hijjah = Yawm-al-Qarr – Pilgrims stay in Mina
* 10-13th Dhul Hijjah = Qurbani can be performed
Importance of this Month
Last 10 nights of Ramadhan are virtuous – Likewise there are 10 days that are MORE virtuous
Many people are not aware of this, there is so much emphasis on the days of Ramadhan yet very little on these days and that is only because of our ignorance. These days are a chance to bring back that feeling you had in Ramadhan that closeness you experienced, the eman boost you had. It is a blessed gift, a fresh opportunity to erase our sins and cleanse ourselves. It is also a second chance, for those who felt Ramadan slip through their fingers and these are the 1st 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah!
Realize Virtue:
The Prophet ﷺ said, “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijjah).” Then some companions of the Prophet ﷺ said, “Not even Jihad?” He ﷺ replied, “Not even Jihad”, except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger (for Allah’s sake) and does not return with any of those things.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari 15:86]
The standing (wuqoof) in ‘Arafah reminds you of the throngs of people on the Day of Gathering. If you feel tired from being in a crowd of thousands, how will it be in the crowds of barefoot, naked, uncircumcised people, standing for fifty thousand years?
9th Dhul-Hijjah: Allah azza wa jall frees people from hell: The Prophet ﷺ said: “There is no day on which Allah sets free more people from hell than on the day of Arafah “
Fast on this day
To expiate minor sins previous and next year, you will have your minor sins forgiven with the fast of ‘Arafah (In shaa Allah)
So, what about your major sins?
REPENT for your major sins on this day!
“There is no day when Allah ransoms more slaves from the Fire than the day of ‘Arafah. He draws near and expresses His pride to the angels and says: ‘What do these people want?’” [Sahih Muslim]
Think about all your sins and repent sincerely and remember that Allah can forgive all our sins no matter how great they are. “Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” [ Quran 39: 53]
These grand days are a great opportunity to quit your sinful habits once and for all! Be regretful for committing sins and make a strong determination to never commit them ever again.
So, what about your major sins?
REPENT for your major sins on this day!
“There is no day when Allah ransoms more slaves from the Fire than the day of ‘Arafah. He draws near and expresses His pride to the angels and says: ‘What do these people want?’” [Sahih Muslim]
Think about all your sins and repent sincerely and remember that Allah can forgive all our sins no matter how great they are. “Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” [ Quran 39: 53]
These grand days are a great opportunity to quit your sinful habits once and for all! Be regretful for committing sins and make a strong determination to never commit them ever again.
* 10th Dhul Hijjah: Yawm alnahar: day of sacrifice The Prophet said:
The best day in the sight of Allah, blessed is He, the Most High, is Yawm alnahar (day of sacrifice), then Yawm al Qarr (the 11th of Dhul Hijjah, the day the pilgrims begin their stay in Mina)’ (Musnad Ahmed)
UDHHIYA (Arabic for sacrificial animal) It is performed on the days of sacrifice which is the 10th, 11th or 12th of Dhul Hijjah.✔Let your sacrifice renew your taqwa. After the fasting of Ramadan whose main purpose was “…that you may become righteous” [Qur’an: 2, 183]
The sacrifice is a symbol of: Attaining Allah’s pleasure and approval, Expression of one’s love and servitude to Allah: to attain Taqwa!
Look at this ayah:
Allah says in Surah al Hajj ayah 37: “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.”
What is the History behind the Qurbani?
Ibrahim alayhissalam was ready to give up everything for the sake of Allah
– Do your kids know this story?
– tell your kids
Sacrifice vs Emotions
When you slaughter your sacrifice, you are reminded of the great event when our father Ibraaheem submitted to the command of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala to sacrifice his only son Ismaa’eel, after he had grown up and become a help to him. You remind yourself that there is no room for emotions which go against the commands and prohibitions of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
And very important; we have to work hard every day to instil sabr in our children like Ismaa’eel, who said (interpretation of the meaning):
“‘O my father! Do that which you are commanded. In shaa Allaah (if Allaah wills), you will find me of al-saabireen (the patient ones).’” [al-Saaffaat 37:102]
Fiqh of sacrifice
Upon sighting the moon, the one offering Qurbani should stop and not cut their hair and nails
* We learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that the one who wants to offer a sacrifice must stop cutting his hair and nails and and not remove anything from his skin.
* This is from the sighting of the moon until one has offered his sacrifice as the Prophet said:
“When you see the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he should stop cutting his hair and nails until he has offered his sacrifice.”
Scholars have said that if the man of the household sacrifices an animal on behalf of his family – the family members can still cut nails etc, just the person who is financially/ and or pyscially doing the sacrifice has to not cut nails etc – And Allah knows best.
One who wants to offer a sacrifice may resemble those in ihraam in some aspects of the rituals performed so that he may draw closer to Allah by offering the sacrifice. When a slave was purchased, his head would be shaved to show he has a master >Hopes that Allah will save him the hellfire. And Allah knows best in this matter.
PRAY: Take special care of your obligations
Before talking about any voluntary actions (and bonuses), it is important to remind ourselves that we must first take care of all our obligations. How can we think of building and beautifying a house without constructing its pillars? Thus, we must pay special attention to the pillars of Islam and strive to perfect our obligations.
Pray on time (and in congregation, for men)
Voluntary prayers (nawaafil)
BEST OF ALL TAHAJJUD – EACH NIGHT Due to its worth in the sight of Allah, the reward for the extra night prayers has been kept secret. Allah says in the Qur’an,
Surah As-Sajdah, 32 v16-17: Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (in charity in Allâh’s Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them (v16) No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do (v17)
1. For house in Jannah (2 rakaat before fajr, 4 before dhohr, 2 after dohr, 2 after maghrib, 2 after esha)
2.Whoever sticks to the habit of offering four rak`ahs befor dhohr prayer & four rak`ahs after it, Allah will shield him against the Hell-Fire.” [Sunan An-Nasai]
3.Duha prayer between approx 20 min after sunrise (6 30 am) and 20 min before dhohr (12 30) (two rakaat or more even amount of rakaat)
4.Salatul tawbah<
– after bad deed or shortcoming, pray 2 rakaat
5.2 raka’ahs sunnah after performing wudhu “Tell me about the best of your deeds (i.e. one which you deem the most rewarding) since your embracing Islam because I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise.” Bilal (may Allāh be pleased with him) replied: “I do not consider any act of mine more rewarding than that whenever I make ablution at any time of night or day, I perform Prayer for as much as was destined for me to do.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Verily all praise and thanks belong to You. Hamd means praise and thanks. When it comes to praise, you can think of many things. Allah has more than 99 Names and for each of His names, you can praise Him.
For example, O Allah! You are the best in showing intense mercy (Ar-Rahman), the best in showing continuous mercy (Ar-Raheem), the best Creator (Al-Khaliq), and so on.
Don’t complain!When something bad happens think of something good you have.
Earn the reward of a Hajj without going to Makkah
“Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rak’ah, then for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and Umrah” He said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Complete, complete, complete.’” [Al-Tirmidhi]
Istighfar: ” Astaghfirullah”
The Prophet ﷺ said: ” Whoever wants his book given to him on the Judgment Day as he is happy then let him do a lot of Istighfar.”
Do not only do Istighfar for yourself but rather for the entire Ummah because the Prophet ﷺ taught us that when you do Istighfar for the entire Ummah you will get the reward for each one of them:
“Allahumma ‘ghfir lil mu’mineen wal mu’minaat”
Making salah and salam on the Prophet ﷺ
Every time you make salah and salam on the Prophet ﷺ an angel goes to the Prophet ﷺ and tells him that son of so and so did salam on you. Every time you do salah and salam on the Prophet ﷺ the angel do salah and salam upon you, their salah and salam on you is asking Allah (azza wajal) to forgive you.
Respecting and honoring our parents: Islam teaches us that of the most beloved deeds to Allah, having respect for one’s parents is second only to that of prayer and is greater than that of fighting in His cause.It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Mas’ood (may Allāh be pleased with him), who observed: “ I asked Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) which deed was the best.” He (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him)) replied:
‘The Prayer at its appointed hour.’ I (again) asked: “Then what?” He replied: ‘Kindness to the parents.’ I (again) asked: “Then what?” He replied: ‘Earnest struggle (Jihad) in the cause of Allah.’ I refrained from asking any more questions for fear of annoying him. [Sahih Muslim]
Recite Qur’an with them, read a book together, discuss a lecture you heard, share your plans and seek their input. Drive your father to the masjid if he is unable to walk there and earn reward for doing so, or call them a few more times in the day if they live far away.
‘Labbayk Allaahumma labbayk’ vs Watching your tongue!
As when we say Labbayk, we intend to speak only of obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and avoid talk of disobedience. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala watches us and our speech all the time, so we daily must watch our tongue and avoid the two biggest problems we have with this muscle: gossiping and excessive talking!
Just like the person performing Hajj must refrain from getting into disputes and acts of disobedience or risk the acceptance of their Hajj, you should try to do the same.
-Forgive everyone no matter what they have done to you.
-Visit the sick.
-Have good relations with people, especially your parents, relatives and neighbors. This would be the best time to re-establish ties of kinship and put barakah in your life.
Read more Quran, contemplating the meaning
Have those blessed moments with the Qur’an like you did in Ramadhan.
Know always that every word you recite carries great reward as the Prophet said ” Whoever recites one letter of the Quran, for him shall be one reward (hasanah) and each reward is multiplied by ten
Seek the times dua’a is more likely accepted and among them are:
1- 1/3 end of night
2- before salah between Adhan and Iqamah
3- when the Imam is on the minbar during Jumu’ah Friday
4- during the rain
5- in sujood
LESSON: Start your du’a in praising Allah (azza wajal) and the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. And use the Names of Allah. Repent and ask for forgiveness, keep these things in mind when making dua
E.g. Yaa Rahmaan, I know you are the most Merciful and I am your slave, peace and blessings on the prophet Muhammad … [start your dua]
FAST all 9 days
This is not fardh but a commendable act. Nafl means that act which is done with happiness, he is happy to do it for the sake of Allah.
“Whoever observes fast for a day in the way of Allah (non-obligatory fasting observed for the sole purpose of pleasing Allah and seeking His blessings), Allah will remove his face from the Hell to the extent of seventy years’ distance.” [Sahih Muslim]
Finally, …
If you have not yet fulfilled the obligation of Hajj, make special dua to Allah to grant you the opportunity to do so soon and in the best of manners.
In your next sujood- ask Allah to help you make the best of these days.
Subhanakallahuma wa bihamdik nastaghfiruka wa natoobu ilayk.
Khawlah bint Yahya
JazakAllahu Khairan
Understand Qur’an Academy