Dhikr: The Task Transformer – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

Dhikr: The Task Transformer

By K. Balkhi

The results of much of our efforts will be what we make of them, but one way for you and I as Muslims to ensure that our deeds bear the maximum fruit is to purify our intentions— performing them solely for Allah’s pleasure.

“But how?” asks the little voice in my head.

Du’a– The Niyyah Checker

As I contemplated the benefits of dhikr and du’a, it occurred to me that every act has a du’a from the sunnah associated with that particular act. And these small prayers, small adhkaar (plural of dhikr), must be among the keys to niyyah-purification.

A du’a, especially when performed with an engaged heart and its ambassador, the tongue, can serve as an instant reminder for a niyyah (intention) check: Why am I undertaking this act?

Am I eating this meal to fire my taste buds or to gain energy for His ‘ibadah? Why am I helping my husband with our chores– because I feel compelled to, or because this too is a means to Allah’s pleasure?

And while we may not always consciously recognize it, the value of simply saying these adhkaar influences us in numerous ways.

Indeed, my reward is with Allah, and no human could even come close to the treasures He has in store for me.

The Task Transformer

And the beauty of it? Dhikr demands niether physical struggle, nor formally allotted time, nor material investment, yet so immense is its effect and benefit that through it even worldly chores become worship. With each sunnah du’a associated with even the most mundane of acts, our scales for the Hereafter are made heavier.

If we can recite these du’a and adhkaar as part of our daily lives, even our dunya is transformed into deen. Banal worldly duties take on the surreal fragrance of faith— a faith lived.

Beyond: Shahrul Quran

Tilawah, the recitation of my lord’s word to me, is indeed among the highest of adhkaar.

Inshaa Allah memories of our fond and beloved Shahrul Quran (the ‘Month of the Quran’) are still fresh. Let’s make the most of our post-Ramadhan connection with the miracle of the Quran in all its infinite aspects.

Ranging from its recitation’s soothing effects on our heart and soul to practical hidaya for our mind, to healing for our body, to re-charging our spirit – the treasures are there waiting for us to choose, cherish, and live by them.

Recitation Bonuses

And among my favorite cherries on top as I read the Quran is when du’a appear as part of our reading. As we read Surah Qasas, for example, we’ll come across Prophet Musa (AS)’s beautiful du’a, among others:

…رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ.

. . . then he turned back to the shade, and said:’O my Lord! truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that Thou dost send me!’ [Quran, 28:24]

And on the note of this timeless du’a, Ameen.

About the Author:

The author is currently studying Islam in-depth at Pakistan’s leading Islamic Jamia, university, for women. She has also been a business journalist and writer with over 200 published articles, chapters and strategic reports as part of her sustainability consultancy.