The Curiousity Corner – Page 6 – Understand Al Quran Academy

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Freedom of Women in Islam [Understand Quran Academy]

By Tabassum Mosleh | Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim | Women’s freedom in Islam is one of the most vulnerable targets for attackers of Islam. The conflict is not because the Islamic concept of women’s freedom has any weakness, because Allah’s laws are perfect in every way. The weakness is rather in lack of knowledge and research … Read more

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Quranic Arabic Grammar Lessons: Meanings of the Different Forms of Verbs

by Tabassum Mosleh | Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Studying Arabic grammar is very similar to studying mathematics: There are various clear-cut rules that come together to form an intricate framework of words. The same three or four root letters can be used to form many, many words, and the same rules can be applied to form … Read more

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Understanding Privacy in Islam [Learn Quran Using TPI]

By Tabassum Mosleh | “Mom, why don’t you ever knock on my door before entering?” This is a common complaint of teenagers – that their privacy is not respected by elders, especially their parents and siblings. The opposite is also true; children sometimes don’t really understand that their parents need privacy too, and don’t think … Read more

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Why Am I So Sad? And What Does the Quran Say About My Tears?

Groundbreaking psychiatrist Michael Bennett has a sign on his wall that says, “No Whining.” He confesses to being sometimes obliged to take it down from the wall and wave it in a patient’s face. Contrary to the long-prevailing wisdom, Bennett believes that dwelling on problems by talking about them endlessly is the worst way to … Read more

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Reading Quran Daily: 4 Mental Blocks that Prevent Your Devotional Exercise

If you’ve tried to make a habit of reading the Quran regularly, you’ll probably have experienced this. There are periods of time when you just don’t feel like doing it. It also happens to beginners of Quranic studies, be it tajweed or Arabic. Sometimes we can’t even figure out the reason behind this block. So … Read more

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5 Easy Android Apps for the Student of the Quran to Download

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Studying the Quran has become so easy nowadays that it’s almost a crime not to utilize these opportunities. Here are a few Android apps which are useful aids for students of the Quran. Quran Android This seems an obvious app to have. But in fact there are several choices of Quran apps, … Read more

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The Surat of the Bee: 6 Quranic Teachings on the Nature of Righteous Work

And your Lord inspired to the bee, Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]. There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is … Read more

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The Goals of the Shariah [Quranic Arabic Course at UQA]

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. There is a branch of Islamic sciences known as the Maqasid al-Shariah (the goals of Islamic Law). The objective of this subject is to study the whys behind Islamic rulings. Why were the five daily prayers legislated? What is the wisdom behind the punishment of cutting the thief’s hand? These and many … Read more

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10 Lessons from Jesus

Jesus (peace be upon him) was among the five greatest messengers sent to humanity- collectively called the Ulul’ Azm. He was the last messenger before our Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). According to Imam as-Suyuti, he is also counted as the greatest of the Sahabah. This is because he was raised up … Read more

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