The Curiousity Corner – Page 28 – Understand Al Quran Academy

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The Importance of Fajr, Post-Ramadan

by Raiiq Ridwan One of the most beautiful aspects of the blessed month of Ramadan is the praying of Fajr by the ummah in multitudes. Almost overnight, the masjid which had only 10 musallis during Fajr in Shaaban has over a 100 on Day 1 in Ramadan. It is interesting and heart-warming to see such … Read more

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Dawah Proofs to Memorize from the Quran and Sunnah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Have you faced the situation where you tried to correcet a mistake someone was doing, or tried to tell someone something is haram or something is obligatory, and that person asked you, ‘What’s the proof of that?’ And you were silenced, or you stuttered out something like ‘It’s in the Quran’ or … Read more

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The Reality of Joy and Sadness: 4 Lessons of Surah Duha

by Raiiq Ridwan 1 By the morning brightness 2 and by the night when it grows still, 3 your Lord has not forsaken you [Prophet], nor does He hate you, 4 and the future will be better for you than the past; 5 your Lord is sure to give you so much that you will … Read more

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Maximizing Laylatul Qadr During Menses

by Raiiq Ridwan Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) is the greatest night of all nights. Various narrations mention when it can be or will be. The most accepted narrations indicate that it will be sometime in the last ten nights of Ramadan, most likely to be the odd nights, with one specific narration referring … Read more

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4 Lessons from Surat At-Tin

by Raiiq Ridwan 1 By the fig, by the olive, 2 by Mount Sinai, 3 by this safe town, 4 We create man in the finest state 5 then reduce him to the lowest of the low, 6 except those who believe and do good deeds––7 they will have an unfailing reward. After this, what … Read more

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20 Beautiful Names and Attributes of the Quran

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allah the Exalted has mentioned many attributes to His book within the book itself, and each of those attributes tells us something unique about the Quran, helping us know it better. The more you know about a person’s attributes, the better you know them and the more your love for them increases. … Read more

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Ramadan Countdown: What We Can Do for the Deceased

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Ramadan is the month of mercy, not just for us, but also for those who have passed away from this world. The gates of Jahannam are closed, and the gates of Jannah are open. The rewards of good deeds are multiplied. This is the month in which we should strive to do … Read more

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3 Ways of Increasing Acceptance of Your Duas During Ramadan

As Ramadan rushes through, we are more and more entrenched in the barakah that the holy month brings. Suddenly, when reading a page of the Quran a day was tough, we are reading 20 or even 30 pages. Suddenly when just praying Sunnah prayers felt cumbersome, we are praying many rakats of Taraweeh, and some … Read more

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Middle of Ramadan Inventory and Inspiration

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Another beautiful Ramadan is passing us by. Some of us have gained some good rewards already, while others have perhaps gained nothing but weight. Some of our plans have succeeded, while others have failed. Perhaps our energy is already receiving a check from too much exhaustion. This is the time to take … Read more

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