8 Practical Tips to Memorize Quran – Understand Al Quran Academy

Understand Al Quran Academy

8 Practical Tips to Memorize Quran

Do you often marvel at the existence of a Hafiz? Do people make you believe that you must have an extraordinary memory and capability to be able to memorize Quran? Are you of the opinion that if you do not understand Arabic, you can get nowhere with Quran memorization? Well, all that fuss is false!

Since the month of Ramadan is a great time to start practicing Quran Memorization, here are 8 simple practical tips to help you memorize Quran easily and successfully:

1. Intention: Make your intention clear within yourself. The purpose of your memorization should be to please Allah (سبحانه و تعالى).  It shouldn’t be to gain the attention of people who are likely to say: Mashaa Allah! Check that brother out, he is a Hafiz!’. In Islam, this is called Ar-riyaa (showing-off). Remember the Hadith of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that says: “Actions shall be judged according to intention.” Maintain a positive attitude and other steps will fall in place, Inshaa Allah.

2. Routine: Draw a routine and follow it strictly. If you attend a Hifz circle that has a set of routine, that’s better for you. If by any chance, you miss out on a day from your routine, create extra time to fill in the period you’ve missed. It is very important that you do not procrastinate.

3. Adopt positive methods: Don’t be in a hurry. Start with shorter Surahs. The higher you go, the stronger will be your ability to commit verses to memory. You must be consistent to achieve this. Repeat a verse as many times as possible. Read aloud too. Your hearing has a vital role to play with your brain’s intake. Do the open and close exercise. When you read a verse from the Quran, close it and recite it to see if you still remember. Then open it to see if you got it correctly. Recite your newly learnt verses on Salah; it is another chance of revision. Take on the hours of the early morning, perhaps Fajr for your memorization exercise, as your brain is fresh and the environment is serene.

4. Listen:  The Quran has a rhythmic flow and a series of rhyming patterns. All you need to do is to select from a range of readers. Your favorite one should work well for you. If you are a beginner, make sure you select a reader with a slower reading pace. This helps you grab every sound and pronunciation easily. You might wonder how easy it is for a person to reproduce a rap song word for word. This is because the listener listens often and with keen attention to the lyrics. Why listen to music all day when you have a Hifz target to meet and a recitation melody to enjoy?

5. Surround yourself with like minds: Befriend someone who is on the same Hifz mission as you. This allows a platform for healthy competition and motivation. Better still, get a Hifz teacher or join a Hifz circle. This allows you to undergo frequent assessment. It also gives you the opportunity to learn from an experienced teacher, take instant corrections and participate in fun activities.

6. Open your imagination: Read the translation of the Surah (chapter) you’re on. This allows you to follow the message with the verse. You will recognize keywords that will easily bring the verses to you. In a creative kinesthetic mode, you could use hand movements to describe the content of the verses as you read. This way, your concentration and sense of imagination is opened only to Allah’s words.

7. Make Dua: Make Dua for retentiveness and Allah’s blessings. Fortunately, there is a readymade Dua at the end of every Quran (most copies of the Quran are the same all over the world). Recite the Dua every time before ending your Quran sessions.

8. Teach others: Gather some of your friends or family members and teach them the set of new verses you memorized. Teaching others something that you know is the best way to lock it up in your long-term memory. Teaching gives you the opportunity to create new ideas to help you and your beneficiaries learn in more interesting ways. This action isn’t only self-fulfilling but rewarding too.


And that’s it!  Memorizing the Quran is never a rigorous task.  It is an everyday adventure that brings you closer to self-consciousness. When you adopt these 8 simple methods, you’ll find it easy, Inshaa Allah.

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