Understand Al Quran Academy

Learn Arabic Grammar – the Easy Way: Unit-5 - Urdu

This course is designed for people who wants to understand the Quran but are too busy or who think Qur’an is difficult to learn

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Verbal Sentence جُمْلَةَ فِعْلَيَّة

إِنَّ and its sisters أَنَّ ، كَأَنَّ

كَانَ and its sisters أَصْبَحَ ، أَمْسٰى

First pair: Preposition + Noun (Singular)

First pair: Preposition + Noun (Plural)

رَفْع ، نَصْب ، جَرّ for singular nouns

رَفْع ، نَصْب ، جَرّ for plural nouns

Second Pair اِسْم + صِفَة (Singular)

Second Pair اِسْم + صِفَة (Plural)

إشَارَة + اِسْم (هٰزَا ، هٰؤُلَاءِ) Third Pair

Lesson Name


Introduction – Fourth Pair (that shows relation)

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) رَفْع ، نَصْب ، جَرّ

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) with pronouns

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) with plurals

3 states of نصب

Additional Three States of Nasb

Additional five states of Nasb

أَسْمَاء خَمْسَة The five nouns

Partially Flexible Nouns

Nahw Revision

Course Materials

(Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah – the Easy Way)

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