The Curiousity Corner – Page 35 – Understand Al Quran Academy

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A Look at the Last 10 Surahs of the Quran, Part II

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim In the previous article we had a brief glimpse of the first four of the ten last surahs of the Quran. Now we will proceed with the remaining in sha Allah. Again as a reminder, reading translations and explanations of the Quran in English is not enough for whoever really wants to … Read more

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A Look at the Last 10 Surahs of the Quran, Part I

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Why Not Just Memorize? When we begin Quran memorization, we usually start with Surat Al Fatihah, a necessary component of our salaat, and then move on to the very end of the Quran and go backwards. Many Muslims have at least the last ten surahs of Juz Amma memorized for frequently using … Read more

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10 Words Frequently Used in the Quran

Introduction When your native language is not Arabic, it becomes difficult to follow what is being said when listening to Quran, even if you know the translation of the verses. In such cases it is very helpful to have some “anchor” words which you can easily catch from the flow of words and link to … Read more

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What are the Easiest Surahs in the Quran to Memorize?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Introduction Allah Azza Waajal has made the Qur’an easy to read, understand and memorize for those who sincerely want to embrace the divine words. He repeated four times in the Quran, in surah Al Qamar: وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, … Read more

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Grant Me Patience

Your boss overloads you at work and you get an unpleasant critique of your performance; you are upset and even angry. Your child spills milk on the floor after you just finished cleaning; you feel exasperated and annoyed. Your spouse fails to offer to help with dinner, even when you have had a lousy … Read more

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Why Doesn’t Allah Show Me a Miracle?

Falling stars, sink holes, flying UFO’s, crying statues . . . Anything out of the ordinary unfailingly captures our attention. The more extraordinary the thing, the greater coverage it gets in media. Why We Look for Miracles That’s why you will hear some people say things like, “I will go forward in marrying this … Read more

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The Beautiful Message in Surah Ad-Duha

by Abdur Rahman DUHA = Late Morning Duha is the time and sunlight of late morning. The previous Surah was Al-Layl, and it spoke about night first, then mentioned day. In this Surah, daytime is mentioned first, and night comes later. In this Surah, Allah Almighty is addressing Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), acknowledging that the prophet … Read more

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Friendship and Learning

by V. Mullen Children master the art of making friends. As children, we were nonjudgemental, innocent, and trusting, and in some cases  from our innocence beautiful friendships blossomed that would, in shaa allah, last a lifetime. In other cases, as we grew up we also grew apart; this could have been due to our beliefs … Read more

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Why Read Quran?

The Stress of the Spur of the Moment We live life each day caught up in the spur of every moment, stressed with our occupations, with school, with the responsibilities of maintaining a family. It can be overwhelming to think of all of the things on our to-do list— who has to go where … Read more

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