Understand Al Quran Academy

Course-5 Surah Al-Baqarah(Ver: 106 - 141)-English

This course is designed for people who wants to understand the Quran but are too busy or who think Qur’an is difficult to learn

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Lessons Content

PDF sheet for course materials with links

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For every lesson number given below, the links will take you to video, pdf, audio, or quiz.

Watch the video. Read the lesson. Write, i.e., fill the worksheet. Test yourself by answering online google quiz. Solve the exam papers given at the end of every page & the final exam.

Study the lessons in this order: Page 16a, Gr 16a, Page 16b, Gr 16b, … and so on.

Qur'an Pages (Surah Baqarah – First 5 Pages)

Lesson Name






Don’t question!

Wish of the people of the Book

Paradise for Jews & Christians only?

Jews & Christians fight among themselves

The unjust block mosques

Christians made a son for Allah

Ignorant say: Allah should talk to them

Jews & Christians won’t be pleased…

Bani Israel! Remember the favors

Test of Ibrahim

House of Allah & the city

Construction of Ka'ba and Duas

Who will turn away from the religion of Ibrahim?

Instruction of Ibrahim & Yaqub

That nation passed away

Follow Ibrahim

The ideal belief

You dispute about Allah?

Most unjust hides testimony


Lesson Name





Verbal Sentence جُمْلَة فِعْلَيَّة

إِنَّ and its sisters أَنَّ، كَأَنَّ، لٰكِنَّ

كَانَ and its sisters أَصْبَحَ، أَمْسٰى

First pair Preposition + Noun (Singular)

First pair Preposition + Noun (Plural)

رَفْع، نَصْب ،جَرّ for singular nouns

رَفْع، نَصْب ،جَرّ for plural nouns

Second pair اِسْم + صِفَة (Singular)

Second pair اِسْم + صِفَة (Plural)

Third pair إشَارَة + اِسْم (هٰذَا، هٰؤُلَاءِ

Introduction – Fourth Pair (that shows relation)

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) رَفْع، نَصْب، جَرّ

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) with pronouns

Fourth Pair (that shows relation) with plurals

3 states of نصب

Additional Three States of Nasb

Additional five states of Nasb

The five nouns أَسْمَاء خَمْسَة

Partially Flexible Nouns

Nahw Revision

Course Materials

(Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah – the Easy Way)

Sr. no

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The textbook contains 20 lessons of Parts A and 20 Lessons of Parts B.


The workbook contains exercises for each of them.


The vocab sheet contains all the words of this course along with their meanings and the number of times they occur in the Qur’an.


The file contains the solution of workbook for the 20 lessons of Parts A and 20 Lessons of Parts B.


Poster-1: Contains Verb master table and introduction of weak verbs.


Poster-2: Contains TPI for pointers of first 5 pages of Surah Al-Baqarah & a simple formula for brining the Qur’an into our lives.


This is a big zip file which contains 40 PowerPoint files. Please download it if you need it for teaching or for your reference.

This course includes:

Ramadan Special Bundle

Ramadan Special Bundle

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