Understand Al Quran Academy

Learn Arabic Grammar – the Easy Way: Unit-4 - English

This course is designed for people who wants to understand the Quran but are too busy or who think Qur’an is difficult to learn

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Introduction & Fmi. Pronouns

3-Letter Verb table for Feminine gender

Mazeed Feeh Verb table for fmi. gender

Mazeed Feeh Verb table for fmi. gender Dual forms (Pronouns & Past tense)

Dual forms ، فعل مضارع ، أمرونهي

Passive voice

كَرُمَ ، حَسِبَ Pattern

Name of a place اسم مكان

Words for صفت ، تفضيل ، مبا لغة

Broken Plural (1) جمع تكسير

Lesson Name


Broken Plural (2) جمع تكسير

مُضَا رع + لَمْ With 3-Letter Verbs

مُضَا رع + لَمْ With Mazeed Feeh Verbs

Conditional Words: إِنْ ، مَنْ ، مَا With 3-Letter Verbs

Conditional Words: إِنْ ، مَنْ ، مَا With Mazeed Feeh Verbs

Types of ل with فعل مضارع

مُضَا رع + لَنْ With 3-Letter Verbs

مُضَا رع + لَنْ With Mazeed Feeh Verbs

Nominal Sentence (Masculine Gender)

Nominal Sentence (Feminine Gender)

Course Materials

(Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah – the Easy Way)

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Ramadan Special Bundle

Ramadan Special Bundle

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